Chapter 3: Believe

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Unready Guardian

Chapter 3


Zareth watched as the young girl ran into the bathroom and then peaked out. He could see the fear in her eyes. The beating intensified and finally the door splintered inward and slammed into the floor.

"Hey there fella's." Zareth waved at them. His smile disappeared for a moment when one of the guys he seen the night before grabbed his shirt.

"Gave us quite the run around didn't you...Zareth."

"Oh isn't that sweet you remembered my name." Zareth said he let his eyes sweep the room for a moment and chuckled. Their were three others, the man standing in front of him had a perfectly tailored outfit, even his shoes looked like they were tailored to him. These guys could pay for a child's education with only one button. "What can I do for you gentlemen?" Zareth asked

"Wheres the girl?" Zareth just about gagged having been forced to smell his breath being so close to him.

"I don't know who your talking about?" Zareth shrugged his shoulders looking away acting disinterested.

"The girl from last night. The girl you picked up and ran with her."

"Oh that chick? Took her to the police station and went home." The guy snapped his finger and two guys grabbed Zareths arms. Zareth struggled for a moment.

'What now Zane.' Dareth asked

Zareth grunted as his stomach was punched. The man before him kept hitting him wherever he pleased.

'Hold on for a moment Dareth. Just a little while.' Zane said.

Zareth could taste blood and oil in his mouth. He spat the taste from his mouth.

"Where is the girl?" The man yelled in Zareths face.

"Told you...police station..." Zareth coughed. The guy walked around kneeing Zareth in the chest. Zareth felt the air from his lungs leave him.

"Zareth!" Danny's voice called. Both Zane and Dareth cringed at the sound.

"Aww baby...why didn't you stay hidden?" He felt himself being hugged by her.

"Leave him away Tony! All he did was help me."

"Yeah...and your just a school teacher." Tony grabbed Danny by the hair and pulled her into a standing position. She let out a pain filled scream holding onto his hand.

"Let go!" She screamed her legs dangled below her.

"You heard the lady she said let go!" Zareths fist came up connecting with Tonys chin. The sound of the punch coupled with the click of his teeth would make anyone cringe. Zareth rounded on the first one to charge at him. Zareths foot came up connecting with the second ones face. He was sure he broke his jaw. Punching the second guy in the nose blood gushed almost instantly. The last one pulled out a gun and fired it. Zareth grabbed the gun and pushed back breaking the hammer completely. The guy looked at his gun then at Zareth and screamed. Zareth reached down grabbing Tony's wallet from his pocket.

"I think this belongs to the lady." Zareth said taking the money out and grabbed the car keys. "Come on babe." Zareth held out his hand for her. She took his hand and stumbled into him. Zareth picked her up bridal style and walked her outside. He could feel her shaking in his hands.

"They almost killed you." She whispered in his ear. It was all she could get out. He could hear her sniffling.

"I had them where I wanted them." Zareth said

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