Four: Laser Tag or WW3?

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If there was one thing we students took seriously at Paramount Lake, it was our grade's laser tag league.

There was no long-standing rivalry between teams--the faculty insisted that we switch it up each week so we could learn how to best apply our skills to a variety of situations. We weren't allowed to use our powers, though at least one usually made a guest appearance by the end of each night. And we were under constant monitoring from the staff as well as our super suits.

It doesn't sound like the best formula for having a crazy night out on the town, but we made it work.

The workers at Pirate Nick's Nickelcade gave us strange looks when we emerged from the bathrooms wearing matching futuristic jumpsuits. A bargain had been struck tonight since it was arguably our last night of freedom before we picked up our roles as average citizens and masked vigilantes. We would wear the physical jumpsuits, as always. We wouldn't use our powers, as always. But no academy staff was allowed inside of Pirate Nick's.

Surprisingly the teachers agreed after we swore that we would be good. It was almost like we had earned some trust after living and going to school at Paramount Lake for years.

The cousins had been there longer than me. No one knew exactly how long that was, but the three of them and Eleanor had been waiting in my first class at the academy ten years ago. Eventually everyone else showed up. Even Mona and Stitch had been full-time residents for three years. Yes, that meant Stitch had impressed the school board enough in only three years to skip a grade and get boosted up to the graduating class with the rest of us.

Tonight we had unlimited games, paid for courtesy of Julien and Valentine's miraculously living and surprisingly wealthy parents. Gifted as young as us didn't have the best track record with family. As far as I knew, Juli and Val were the only graduates to have contact with both parents. And thank goodness, because their bank account made sure Paramount Lake had plenty of money to fund our laser tag league.

With our super suits on, we were ready to begin.

The minimum wage workers let us loose in the arena before we could form our respective teams, which ended in mass slaughter. It was every man for himself. Alliances were formed, destroyed, and avenged.

Halfway through I found Mona in an almost perfect hiding place. From her position, she had a view of the busiest corridor on the map. Behind her was a window peeking up at an elevated platform that was constantly changing hands. The only imperfection was that she couldn't watch both areas at the same time.

I approached with my arms above my head. My gun was in one of my hands but I made a show of not putting my finger near the trigger.

Mona always looked a little crazy. She had thick wild hair that she had given up controlling. The result was usually a full messy bun with a few escaping strands. Today she hadn't managed even a bun. Her mane was frizzy and backlit by the multi-colored lights giving her an insane hair halo. The same lights turned her dark eyes a deep crimson.

"Don't shoot," I called. She had her gun aimed at my chest, but her eyes were darting everywhere, checking for other enemies. "I'm here as a friend."

"Why should I believe you?" But the barrel of her laser gun was already dipping.

I took advantage of her lack of resistance and stepped closer. "You need my help and I'm terrible at this game by myself."

With a business-like handshake, we established a temporary alliance. From her spot we racked up points and kills. Until, thirty seconds before the final buzzer, we turned at the same time. My vest buzzed just after I pulled my trigger. A display screen on my gun told me I had been shot in the chest by Mona.

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