Chapter 20: Hope

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Unwanted Path

Chapter 20


Zareth sat on the sidewalk his legs crossed. A small blanket placed over his shoulders. He had just gotten off the phone with Lloyd and the Bounty was inbound. Now that everything was over and Dr. Spencer was in police custody Danny should be safe. Well that is if they keep her in prison for a long time. Apparently their was an outstanding warrant on her for human trafficking. She had live humans sent to her so she could do horrible experiments on her. No wonder Midnight wanted to leave. She seen all that and was probably afraid she was next.

Midnight leaned on a light pole her eyes kept opening and closing on their own. She looked around and down at her hands if someone addressed her. She never looked anyone in the eyes. A police officer said it was a sign of trauma. Zareth sat back against the wall and closed his own eyes. When he opened them again he saw a huge ship hovering over the lot and a teenager clad in black stood over him.

"Zareth... " It was Cole. Zareth looked behind him and their stood the blue ninja Jay.

"Come on buddy lets get you inside." Cole said helping Zareth up. Putting his arm over his shoulder to help keep weight off the injured leg. Zareth turned and looked at Midnight.

"Come on pari...we getting the hell outta dodge." Zareth said.

"Pari?" Midnight asked.

" the color. Pariwinkle." Zareth said and chuckled. "Don't like it?" Midnight giggled.

'How about Midnight Pariwinkle!' Danny said and giggled having felt the others scoff and giggle.

"Midnight Pariwinkle." Zareth nodded and kept walking.

"So your Dannys sister huh? Is that older or younger?"

"We were activated the same day."

"Twins! Cool." Jay proclaimed. Within Zareths head he felt Danny grow slightly jealous and downcase.

"I'm the ugly twin." She grumbled.

'Not true.' Dareth barked at Danny. 'Your beautiful.' Dareth said. Zareth felt that Danny didn't believe him, but didn't say anything to Dareth. Which means if Zareth knew so did Dareth. They both wished they could hug her.

"Danny listen to me, you've got a charm about you that no one is able to contend with. Your small, bright, you can do so much with that hair if you'd let me, and wow your feet are tiny. I just want to..." Zareth stopped himself when he noticed Cole and Jay were looking at him. He kind of grew red in the cheeks.

"Don't let us stop you. Keep going." Jay said with a short laugh. "We're used to Zane talking to himself like that."

"Yeah he had Pixal in his head for a year or so." Cole said and nodded. Zareth found himself grateful to them for not poking fun at him when Danny felt down.

'You forget one minor detail Zareth. I've got no body to look pretty with anymore.' She said with a sad sigh. Zareth knew he had to get to Borg industries soon or he may lose her subconscious. It was unstable. It felt like it was sand in someones hand. It just kept sifting through the fingers.

"Come on Dannygirl. Don't fall apart now. You know I love you." Zareth said. Their was that soft twing of fascination after using that nickname. She loved the way he said it, or the sound of him saying it. Zareth wasn't to sure which it was, but it made him smile.

On board the Bounty the ninja waited to see Zareth. They had thought he was on vacation. He hopped up onto a box and sat there for a little while sa Nya looked at his leg, palm, and chest. He was thankful for her soft hands because they felt like they had recieved a lot of abuse from being felt around under the skin. To Zareths amazement Danny could feel everything that Nya did to him and cringed right along with him.

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