But I Still Want You

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You opened your eyes when someone lightly taped you on the shoulder.
You took a headphone out when you realized it was Jungkook.
"Hey Y/N, I wanted to show you something"
"What is it?"
"It's a surprise, c'mon!"
He lightly grabbed your wrist being gentle. He took you up to wear the two doors were to get out of the plane. He didn't open it though. He took something off of a shelf that was covered with a little drape.
"I'm not really good at this type of stuff, but I hope you like it" he smiled and looked at your e/c eyes.

Taehyung's POV

You sat on the tiny bunk bed as you started to look through your phone. You wanted to find that one picture of you and Y/N when you both went to the Bua house with her friend.

Something inside you wanted to change your background from the Gucci logo to her and you. You really loved Gucci, but you loved her more.

As you finally put the picture as your background, Namjoon walked in with a wine glass in his hand. He handed it to you.
"So, why are you here and not with us?"
You took the glass and drinked a little bit of it.
"I wanted to be alone for awhile"
He looked at you for awhile, "Is something wrong Tae?"
You wanted to tell him, tell him that you hated the fact that Jungkook liked Y/N and everyone was ok with it to, but you couldn't.
"Yes, everythings fine" you smiled and took another sip of the wine. It was very bitter and you didn't like it, but you didn't want to seem rude.
He sighed, "Well, if your not with us, then I'm with you"
You smiled, this time a real one. You loved this guy.
"Thanks Hyung"
"Mhm, now give me some of that" he smiled while holding out his hand.
Thank God, I hated this. You passed the cup to him.

Namjoon's POV

You took the glass cup and drinked some. You knew something was wrong, but you didn't want to force Tae to say it. It was better if he said it on his own will, and you were there to support him.

"So, the guys are planning on changing there hair color. Do u want to?"
"Ummm, maybe. I think it would be cool if I had  rainbow hair!!"
You sighed and smiled, "Okay, ONE color. What would you like?"
"Hmmm, I don't really know. "
"Well I wanted to go for a normal black color. Yoongi wants a brownish color, and Jin and Hoseok want to match and both do red, but we only have enough hair diy for one person each, so there rethinking that."
"What about Jungkook?"
"Aish, he's to scared to change his hair"
You both started to laugh, Jungkook only changes his hair colors to brown, dark brown or black. The fans are starting to call him coconut head, it's hilarious.
"Well, I like Blonde, maybe I'll do that!"
"That might look good on you"
"What do you mean might?! It WILL"
You laughed and dropped the glass. You stopped laughing. Shit.
"Well, looks like the fans are right, God Of Distruction!"
You smiled and put the glass pieces away.
"Don't cut yourself!"
"Shut up!" You could hear him laughing right next to you as you cleaned the rest of the mess up.

Jin's POV

"Hoseok, maybe I can be blonde and you can be red and blue! Harly Quin!!"
"Omo, Jin your a genius!" You high fived him as you both started laughing.
"Guys, Namjoon said only ONE hair color" Yoongi said as he ate some chips.
"Fine!! What about...." Hoseok started to think.
"What about I do pink!!!!!!!" You said.
"And I'll do black!!"
"Black Pink!!!" You both said as you both started to hold hands and jump up and down. 

You could hear Yoongi sigh and eat his chips.

Hope y'all like this! Next one you'll see what Jungkook gets Y/N, or you!

안녕~!! 사랑해 아미~!!

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