X - Serendipity

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X - Serendipity

the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.


Noah felt like floating in the air. Utter happiness. How long since he felt like this? Maybe the proper question to that was did he ever felt like this before? And the answer was never. This was all too new to him. But he'd be damned if he would let this chance go.

Jess couldn't concentrate herself on her surroundings. She was aware that they were already inside the cabin and she was aware that Noah was standing too close to her. This was the part where things would go awkward if she let it be awkward.

"Do you want something?" Deja vu. Only now, Noah was asking her the question. She instantly remembered that time when she gave him water.

"There's something I need to admit." Noah was looking at her quizzically. "I may or may have not, committed a crime." He looked at her confused for a moment.

"What is it?" He prodded.

"That water I gave you." She continued.


"Well, it wasn't from the tap nor the water dispenser." Did she gave him poison? He was alarmed for a moment there but a girl as sweet as she is couldn't possibly do that. And besides if it was poison then he should feel the symptoms, right?

"I really don't care where you got it."

"But you drank it. Didn't your stomach got upset?"

"Nah." He lied. He recalled waking up at night and visiting the comfort room four times.

"I atleast owe you an apology. And an explanation. Well, you see, it was so sudden when you came and I didn't know that we ran out of drinking water, also the tap water is dirty and so I got the stupid idea of getting the water from the---" she paused and winced. "comfort room. Forgive me. Please."

The idiot was smiling. His idiot self was smiling. It was hard not to when she was rambling, explaining herself when to him it wasn't even a big deal. But she just gave you toilet water?! His inner voice spoke. He did not care.

"But believe me, it wasn't toilet water. It was the water from the pail and I heated it real quick. It was stored so the dirt were sorta submerged." She explained in a haste.

If he could always see this adorable side of her then he did not care if he would drink more toilet water. He was that whipped.

"I'm so so sorry. It won't happen again." She turned her back away wincing. She was worried, he wasn't even speaking. Is he mad? He probably thinks she's the stupidest person to have ever graced the Earth.

He couldn't possibly be mad. "Like I said, I really don't care love. I'd gladly drink more of it if it meant I could see you like this." She turned back around to see him smiling softly at her. All doubts about him seeing her as a plaything went out the window.

If she did that to her brothers, they would kill her. He really likes her that much.

He laughed. Jess was surprised.

"What's so funny?" She tilted her head to the side, Noah found the reaction endearing.

"Yes, I really like you. That much." What is he talking about? He couldn't possibly hear her thoughts. Unless----
She gasped.

"Did I just spoke my thoughts out loud?" She was hoping he would say no.

"Yes." He was holding his laughter back.

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