To him I was

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To him I was the stars.

But to me I was the vast, dark, empty space in between.

To him I was all he ever wanted

But to me there was a side to me I'd never let him see.

To him I was everything.

To me was was nothing.

He'd build me up.

So I'd try to stay up.

Instead I kept falling in the abyss of worthlessness.

I'd keep him up.

Make sure he knew I loved him.

And he'd convince me of the same.

To him I was loved

But to me it was never enough.

And now I see

I know he loved me.

To him I was hurting

And I suppose I was

To me I was undeserving of his love

But to him everyone was deserving of love.

And I believed his words

And he reminded me of my worth

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