Chapter twenty-nine: Simba's point of view

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Timon and Pumbaa came racing into the pridelands. Simba had never seen them run so fast. He knew something was terribly wrong. He ran off of pride rock to meet them.

"Simba!!!" Pumbaa called, out of breath. "something terrible has happened!!!"

"Timon, Pumbaa, what's wrong, what happened?"

"It's Kopa!!!" Timon exclaimed. "He was attacked!!!! We think..." He looked up at Simba, before whimpering, "We think he may be dead."

Simba stared at his friends. No. Kopa? Dead? What had happened? Who attacked him? Simba's head was overflowing with questions as Nala soon joined his side, having overheard the conversation.

"Where is he?" Nala asked.

"Follow us." Timon said as they started running back the way they came.

"Nala, stay here with Kiara. I'm going to save our son." Although afraid and desperate to go follow Simba and see her son, she nodded. He quickly turned around and ran after Timon and Pumbaa.

It seemed to take forever to get to Kopa, although Simba knew it was only a few minutes. Far off from pride rock, at the water hole. On the edge of the pond, Kopa lay there, covered in scratches, blood dripping onto the ground. "Kopa!!!" Simba yelled, racing towards his son. "Kopa..." Simba said again, stopping and looking down at him. He didn't look to be breathing. "No, Kopa, please..." Simba felt the tears run down his face, but he didn't care. He couldn't believe this. He couldn't lose Kopa. Not after losing his father. Not after losing his mother. He couldn't lose Kopa. Not now.

His sadness turned into anger, and he looked at Timon and Pumbaa. "Who is responsible for this???"

Timon and Pumbaa looked at each other, then at the ground, then at Simba. "Zira." They said at the exact same time.

Simba looked at the bloody paw prints receding from the water hole out into the outlands. He growled. "Bring her to me." As Timon and Pumbaa raced off into the outlands, Simba turned back to Kopa. Allowing his tears to run, he layed down beside his son, hugging him. "No..." He whispered.

Simba sadly made his way back to the pridelands alone

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Simba sadly made his way back to the pridelands alone. Nala and Kiara were waiting for him on Pride rock. As he ascended, he met them at the top. Nala walked up to him, having noticed already that he was alone. She had tears in her eyes.

"Kopa...?" She asked, her voice breaking. Simba only hung his head, shaking it.

Kiara began to bawl, racing to her parents and hugging her mother. Nala wept silently as Simba ascended to the top of pride rock, looking over his lands as it began to rain. He saw Zira and her children enter the pridelands, followed by Timon and Pumbaa to make sure that they wouldn't try to run away. Zira was carrying her oldest daughter, as she for some reason had an injured leg and could not walk.

"Zira, come here!!!" Simba bellowed, as his mate and daughter joined him atop pride rock. The five lions stopped at the foot of pride rock, looking up at Simba. He looked down on them, hatred in his eyes. "Zira, today, you have murdered a helpless cub. You have murdered our son. There are no excuses or second chances for this. There can only be one thing to be done because of this."

Zira and her children all looked up at Simba, awaiting their punishment.

Simba looked down on them, his teeth bared. "Exile!!!" He bellowed. "I banish you and your family to the outlands!!!" Zira growled. Everyone gasped, looking at Zira and her children. What would she do? Leave peacefully? Declare war?

"Very well." Zira simply said. She turned to leave and then stopped, looking back up at Simba. "Oh, and Simba?" She smiled a horrible smile. "Tell Kopa to say hello to Scar for me!!!!" She yelled. Those words struck Simba like a rock. He watched as Zira began to leave to the outlands. A few lionesses in the pride looked at each other, and then got up and followed Zira out. They would rather be under Scar's rule, and looked to Zira as their leader.

He watched as the small pride left into the outlands. Out of the silence, a small voice spoke. "Daddy?" He looked down at Kiara, her ears down.

"Yes, Kiara?"

"What if...what if Zira and her pack come back? What if they try to take the pridelands someday?"

Simba assured his daughter. "They won't." He looked back at Zira and the others, watching them continue to the outlands. A sort of huge grudge was made that day. Simba wouldn't let Kiara past the border of the pridelands, and to make sure she was safe, he had Timon and Pumbaa watch her constantly.

As the pride mourned Kopa's loss,they also knew that they would have to make preparations for the king and queen's new child.

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