Chapter 29: Why the fuck are you here!?

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Is been 3 weeks since Cameron and I have, you know, done it. And we are currently in the bedroom getting dressed for school.

Since I felt lazy considering it's only mid-week, Wednesday, I went for more of a comfy look

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Since I felt lazy considering it's only mid-week, Wednesday, I went for more of a comfy look. Sports bra with my light pink hood and my Adidas leggings. And my Adidas shoes. My hair would be in a low ponytail and curls at the end.

Cameron being the copycat he is went with something similar to the outfit I chose. Same adidas pants but it sweat pants form. A black sweater and the exact same adidas shoes.

Once we both were ready Cameron took the keys for the car and drove off to the nearest Starbucks to grab some breakfast. Once we ordered we made our way to school.

The school wasn't far from the Starbucks. Once in the school we parked the car and got out.

We reached the front door and saw Manu there. "Hi Manu" I said happily. "Hi love, hi cam" he said back to us. Cameron just nodded his head, which ended up in me giving him a glare.  "Kristin they changed our schedules. You might want to stop by the office to pick up your new one" he said with a smile. "Thanks for letting us know. Why don't you come with us so than we can see if we still have classes together" I said. "Sure thing" I said back. Cameron's grip tighten on my hand. "Ow" I said slightly in pain". "What's wrong" Manu said, face full of concern. "It was nothing just a bit of stomach pain that's all. It already went away" I said.

We made it into the office for our new schedules. Manu waited outside of the office while Cameron and I went in. Once we got our schedules we stepped out.

"We got them" Cameron spoke. We all switched schedules and turns out Cameron and I don't have the same classes, however Manu and I have all classes together.

"Cameron we don't have any together. We only have lunch to spend time" I said with a frown. "I know princess, I mean at least we have lunch to be together" he said back. The bell rang. I kissed Cameron goodbye and he was off to first period. "What's our first class" I asked. "Spanish" he said it a smile. "Yes! That's going to an easy hundred" I said slightly jumping. "Your such a weirdo" he said bragging me into the class.

"Hola todos, yo soy su maestra Ms.Camila. Y te voy a enseñar todo lo que debe de saber" said the teacher. (She said; "hi everyone! I'm your teacher Ms.Camila. And I'm going to teach you everything there is to know"). I slightly smiled. While taking a seat next to Manu. The class went by smoothly as did my other classes. And soon it was time for lunch.

*Lunch time*

 "BABE!" I said running up to Cameron. "Hi my love" he said catching and spinning me. We went and  got our lunches. "Cam what class do you have after this" I asked. "Spanish" he said. "That's an easy class" I said with a smile. "Easy for you to say, your Hispanic" Cameron said with a frown. "Manu, what class do we have" I questioned. "Dance" he said. I smiled widely. "I'm going to change" I said getting up.  I made my way into the bathroom. Nobody was in there. "Babe?" Cameron called out. "What the fuck Cameron. Get out!" I yelled.

I quickly changed and bragged Cameron outta the bathroom.

The bell soon rang and Manu and I made made our way to dance. We did the usual as always.

The day was coming to an end, however Cameron was nowhere to be found. Manu and I went to search for him everywhere. And still no sign of him.

We made our way to Gates of the school to see the whole school crowded making a huge circle. We made our way into the circle to see Cameron. Who was oddly mad for some reason. "Cam, what's going on?" I asked. He didn't answer, so I just followed his gaze. To land on a girl with a mask. The girl looked oddly familiar for some unknown reason,  yet I can't put my finger on it. The only girl who'd make Cameron this mad would be... it can't be Brenna.... She's in jail! Locked up for years, for hurting me and trespassing our home. It just can't be her!  We even asked for extra security with this maniac.

I looked at Cameron with a worried expression on my face. "Cam what if it's -" I got cut off by Cameron covering my mouth. "Whoever is underneath that mask, just know that we're both strong amd we can totally fight this person" Cameron said. "I know, but love, she's a girl. You can't hit her" I said. "Do you think I care. Absolutely not, if this person lays a finger on you, male or female, they're dead" he said kissing my forehead.

We both a deep breath and stepped into the center of the circle. 

The mysterious girl also walked up to the center of the circle and took of the mask.Cameron and I's jaw dropped. "Hey Kristin, hey Cameron. Missed me?" Said Brenna D'amico with a malicious smirk on her face. "Why the fuck are you here!" I yelled



Sorry that I haven't written anything in a while. I've been busy with school and homework. High school is tuff man. Think of this as a birthday present from me to you. I'm 16! Oof I feel old. (My birthday was March 19th). Anyways, don't forget to comment if you have something to say. Vote if you liked what you read and share if you want your Wattpad friends to read this story as well... Have a good day/night everyone..

Lots of love,


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