Bad things and Bad thoughts

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The next day, I wake up to find that I've slept on my poor shoulder. I go to have a shower, and struggle to apply shampoo to my hair. My eyes water as I give up. I didn't realise that my whole arm would be a dead weight too. I stay stood under the shower until I think the shampoo is all gone, before going through the excruciating process of trying to get dressed. Plagg helps me hear and there, and I don't even bother thanking him. At this point, I'm too tired to do anything, and the day hasn't even begun properly. I'm so cold despite the massive hoodie i'm wearing, and Nathalie hands me a hot drink as I step into the car.

'Adrien..' I turn quickly, 'Are you okay? You seem to have lacked sleep..'

I just nod my head feebly. It's embarrassing. I have never felt so powerless in my life.

'Should I express my concern to your father?'

'No, that's not necessary,' I hear myself say.

She sighs and shuts the door, and the Gorilla starts driving after grunting questioningly. I just shake my head. I can't be arsed with any communication, that being making an effort of the wordless bodyguard. He pulls outside school and I push through the gates quickly, only to fall onto Marinette.


I see Alya across the schoolyard and as I make way to her, I am knocked onto the floor by a hoodie-clad figure. They catch my head quickly and I look up quickly. I see the shadow of hair dipping into shockingly vibrant green eyes.


He stumbles up, wincing and I quickly brush myself off. I look back into those seemingly glazed (?) eyes, and he quickly looks away.

'Adrien, are you okay?' I ask, trying to sound comforting.

It's a pretty dumb question, because he clearly isn't the way he is wincing and the way his eyes glimmer. He has dark circles beneath them, I notice as he glances at me, then looks away again.

'Adrien..' I move closer to him, trying to wrap my arms around him.

We make eye contact, and I can see all the pain of the world in his eyes. They say that eyes are the windows to the soul, and I can tell Adrien is obviously upset about something. All of a sudden he jerks, and pushes me away. I stagger backwards, due to the suddenness of it, although he did it quite gently.

'I'm fine, Marinette,' He says, picking up his satchel before handing me mine.

'No, you're not,'

He looks at me in such a way that my cheeks roar in shame. His expression is unreadable, but then grows quite cross.

I hope he doesn't get akumatized, because I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to lay a finger on him. At least I'd have Chat to help.

I shake that thought away, and Adrien's eyes have such a fierce flame in them that I can't help but tremble slightly.

Why am I so scared?

'Fuck off, Mari,' he swears quietly, and turns to leave me stood there, clueless.

And lovestruck.

What did I do to him?

I just look at him from behind, and Nino hastens to join him. Alya tugs me.


'Girl, what happened?'

'I.. I don't know,'

I pull my bestfriend into my arms as Hailey and Erin near us, communicating with their eyes. I know how much Marinette adores Adrien, and I'm afraid of her getting hurt. It's the last thing i'd ever want to see, because she deserves to be happy. I watch Adrien and Nino walk off together. I trust Nino enough to know that he'll talk some sense into the blond. I don't let go of Marinette quickly enough for her to see Adrien look over his shoulder with a guilty, ashamed look.

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