➸ flicker

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I know what it's
like to want the
whimsical world
and to want it now
to want it all at
once the anxiety
that gradually
resurfaces and
makes you restless
for the rest of the day
the feeling of needing
to get out there
and do something,
change something
make something
new simply happen
for yourself, for others,
or for both
or else you'll just
lose your mind
internally combust
spiral down into
an existential vacuum
that right there
all of that is the
calm before the storm
the flicker before the flame
it means you have plans,
dreams, goals that
may be bigger than
you currently have
the capacity
to comprehend entirely
it's a good feeling,
don't be mistaken
you should trust it,
follow it
because it means
you have in you
the desire to live.

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