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i say in utter shock

"my fake girlfriend"
he adds, i take a deep breath realising that he was joking about the girlfriend part but what does fake girlfriend mean

"what do you mean"
i ask

"i mean we act like we are dating and all that but we aren't"

there's a number of different questions i wanted to ask him right now

"because, i want to get back at nadia"
Johnny says devilishly with a small smile on his face


"you ask so many questions"
johnny rolls his eyes and lays back on his bed

"i'm not just gonna be like, sure i'll be your fake girlfriend, i don't even know what being a fake girlfriend entails"
i give an awkward laugh

"ok, so we'll start fake dating then nadia will get jealous then we'll get back together but we won't be actually because I'll play her and be like I only did this to get back at you"
he explains

"no johnny that's rude and you literally broke
up with her less then a day ago"

"kenzie she cheated on me for a year"
he lifts his head up to look at me adding emphasis to the word year

i shake my head

"please kenzie"

"i'll do anything to get back at her for what she did"
he adds

"this is something I have to properly commit to,
wait till I'm not sleep deprived and i'll think about it"
i say yawning

"wait actually, your actually gonna think about it"
he happily sits back up with a big smile on his face

"yeah but don't rush me on it"
i say resting my head on johnny's pillow

he says excitedly, before he turns over to face me a wraps his arms around me

"i never said yes"
i groan pushing the boy off of me

"why are you always in a bad mood around me"
he says with a fake frown on his face

"cause i don't like you, now can you be quiet"
i close my eyes turning away from him

"and why is that"
he asks

"think about it Johnny"

"im sorry for what i did kenzie, i really didn't mean it"
he says begging for my forgiveness

"ok johnny you've already said sorry a million times"

after that the room when quiet and you guessed it, we fell asleep


"what the fuck, did you guys fuck"
i hear lauren slightly yell causing me to wake up

i tiredly sit up and notice that i'm tangled
in a muscular body

no feelings || jenzie Where stories live. Discover now