Time alone

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With a heavy heart, Michael walked to the stables, and ordered the stable boy to bring him his black, Arabian stallion. He needed some alone time to figure things out. In the last few weeks, so many things have happened that have turned his life upside down.

As the black stallion galloped away from the courtyard, the gentle breeze caressed Michael's face, and he closed his eyes enjoying the feel of it. Many things weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he wondered when the pain in his heart would go away.

What went wrong, he thought, that he brought so much pain on himself and on Kyra? She was the last person he wanted to hurt. Sweet beautiful Kyra who probably hates his guts now. He took a deep inhalation of breath, and felt the pang of regrets in his stomach. In a few days he will marry his soulmate, but she doesn't love him anymore, he thought, as pain twisted in his gut.

He was deeply and totally in love with Kyra, and didn't care anymore that she was in love with his brother, he still wanted her desperately, but he knew that Eva destroyed any chances he might have had to win over Kyra's heart. Eva masterminded the whole thing to anger Kyra, and she won! Images of Eva on top of him last night tore his heart out. He was drunk and thought it was Kyra that he was making love to. His chances of her ever loving him are slim to none now, he thought as a single tear escaped and rolled down his handsome chiseled face.

He looked down at his hand, and the ruby sparkled on his finger. The Druid prayed that Kyra did not take the ruby ring off her finger, or her life will be in more danger than it already is. He had to make sure that she is guarded every second she is away from him. He sighed, and scoped the area carefully to make sure that no one was lurking behind the many trees up ahead, as he rode the stallion down the slope.

It was well after noon time when he returned, and Kyra saw him ride through the gates and into the courtyard. She was having a pleasant conversation with Michael's sisters, trying to forget that her heart ached, until she spotted her Prince.

He carried himself with the air of an aristocrat, a warrior worthy of his title. Broad shoulders, a muscled chest, with abs of steel, a tapered waist and thighs that looked strong and firm. His thick mane of raven hair, blew behind him in the wind, and he looked wild and sexy. His emerald eyes met hers from across the courtyard, and Kyra's heart skipped a beat, as she tried to compose herself. He was by far the handsomest man she had ever seen.

Kyra saw him jump off his stallion, and give the reins to one of the stable boys, then he turned around and walked towards them. Kyra narrowed her eyes and anger settled in her heart. Did he think to come to where she sat? Was he so arrogant to believe that she still wanted him after what he put her through, she thought.

Standing with his muscled legs spread apart, towering over them like a giant, he looked down at Kyra and his eyes penetrated through hers.

"I need a word with you." He said in a deep and rich voice

"There is nothing that you might have to say that I would want to hear, please leave us!" Kyra said in a firm and unwavering voice.

"Come with me willingly, because if you don't, I will lift you in my arms, and take you with me!" He threatened.

Knowing that he makes good on his word, Kyra did not want to take any chances, and she stood up, and followed him through the gardens.

They walked all the way to where the magnificent structural fountain stood, Michael stopped walking, turned around, and faced Kyra. "Have a seat please." He said gently, motioning for her to seat on one of the wooden benches.

Kyra sat herself down, curious to hear what he was going to say. The Prince dropped to one knee before her, and his eyes sparkled with love when they looked into hers. Kyra swallowed and looked away, unable to seize the moment, because images of a naked Eva clouded her mind.

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