Chapter Three: Girls Got Game

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"So we need to spend whatever time we have left on this earth wisely because, yesterday will never come again and tomorrow is never promised

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"So we need to spend whatever time we have left on this earth wisely because, yesterday will never come again and tomorrow is never promised." -Amara Abdullahi, FH.


Amara Abdullahi

Today is definitely not my day! Why is everything going wrong for me, I thought to myself in annoyance. I feel like smashing my head into a wall right now. I let out a sigh as I walked into my gym class and immediately walked up to Amelia. "Hey what's up with you? You look annoyed as hell." Amy stated as she observed me. I slump onto the bleachers alongside her. "I am! I have detention today and it wasn't even my fault! It was that stupid Ken doll's fault!" I murmured still feeling pissed off. I bet I made absolutely no sense to her.

"Ooh so who is this Ken doll?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Zubair freaking Hassan!" I spat his name out as if it were venom.

I barely even know the guy but I don't care. He got me detention! Okay I maybe overreacting, but could you blame me? I was just trying to mind my own business and the next thing I know I'm being handed a detention slip."Wait, are you talking about the hottie? I saw him today and Mashallah! I get why all those girls were talking about him." She gushed. I ytied my best not to roll my eyes at her but failed miserably. I get he's cute and all but who cares? Looks fade but the personality sticks with you. A lot of girls at this school that chase after guys like him, lack common sense. I would rather have a sweet down to earth not so good looking guy than a way too into himself good looking jerk any day.

"Ew, Amy!" I scoffed.

"You don't think he's cute? Do you need glasses?" She stated as she give me a weird look.

I rolled my eyes at my so called best friend. Just then Mrs.Car blew her whistle and told us all to go into the changing rooms. The moment I walked in, I opened my gym locker and grabbed a pair of sweats, a long sleeved shirt, my black hijab and then went into one of the stalls to change. My favorite thing about this class is that it's all girls so I don't have to worry about a boy seeing me wear sweats or anything."You never told me how you guys got detention." Amy said as she got into the stall next to me. "Well he wouldn't stop talking and I just got annoyed of it all so just when I was about to tell him to stop, Mr.Miller thought we were having a discussion in the middle of class so he gave us both detention." I said with a sigh. I'm going to be stuck for two hours in a boring old room with Mr.Wanna-Be-Zac-Efron, oh god. Someone please come and shoot me now.

"So two hours with him? Good luck sistah friend!"

After a couple of minutes we both stepped out of the stalls and walked out of the locker room to where Ms. Car told all of the girls to come together. I'm going to need all of the luck I could get today cause frankly I am not in the mood to go anywhere but my room. I just want to lock myself in there and hide under my sheets for the rest of my life. But sadly I can't, sadly I have to live life even with its difficulties hurling its way at me at full speed. Just then, the words that my mother used to always tell me and my siblings came to mind.

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