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baekhyun p.o.v

Robyn where are you? Ughhh Sehun and Kris aren't eating I.r sleeping because they both want to find her. Everyone is looking for including Candy and Kathy. I then told everyone I was going to go to a empty warehouse. I drove there and saw Robyn with cuts on her legs and arms. she looked horrorible

I ran yo "ROBYN! ROBYM! WAKE UP!!!' I screamed. She then opened her eyes. "mmm Baek? is that you?" she said slowly.

"yes who did this to you? " "Fono,Mi,Bianca and Linda." I stopped shaking her. "are you sure?" she shook her head

I can't believe this. Her own friends. I called everyone and they came. Robyn hid behind Sehun and Kris when Fono Mi and Bianca and Linda came to hug her. "What's wrong?" Bianca asked. "You tell us. she said you did this to her." I said. Fono turned around and "why would we do that? we are no...." Kai had slapped her. "YOU DD HIS TO HER AND NOW YOU LIE? " Fono held her cheek tears coming down her face. "kai...." "Don't even say my name" he said with a disgusted face and left.

Fono looked at Suho who glared at her. "I can't believe I fell for a person who would do that to her own friend" he said and left with Candy under his arm. Kris came up to the 4 girls. "don't talk to us anymore. got it? " he left with Sehun and Robyn. The others glared at us and Kathy smirks. "see? you guys are guilty" she said and left.  I walked up to them. "How could you? Your own friends.? I hate you guys don't bother anymore" I said and left.

Fono p.o.v

I can't believe I got accused with my friends of something we did not do. Now they have all turned non us. I started crying. "Come on. we need somewhere to stay." Bianca said. "we will find out who did this OK?" Linda said rubbing my back. I dried my tears. "your right. We have to Ind out who did this." I said.

I am working on book 2 now and it will be a carry on of this. Look out for it and thank you for the votes and stuff

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