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Ollie POV

I'm not sure what Jungkook thought but it definitely can't be good. He touched my chest! Okay so I may not have exactly boobs but I have like something there. And it makes me kinda self conscious, luckily it isn't too noticeable with baggy shirts and I have yet to wear my binder, due to the fact I don't need to wear tight shirts yet. But it also bothered me knowing that one person would accidently touch them.

And now that it has happened, I'm going insane. Does Jungkook know? Or did he even notice? I'm like in my midlife crisis when Im not even 21 yet!

And if he finds out, he'll definitely tell! I don't have that good of a relationship with him but I'm working to bring it up, but if he finds out I'm a girl what will he do?!?

Jin already knows and doesn't seem to care much, and I'm pretty sure Yoongi is suspicious as heck or he just has like a weird crush on his roommate. When its obvious we all ship Yoonmin. And well Namjoon just kinda scares me, I feel like he knows and yet doesn't at the same time, its hard to know what he's thinking.

Either way I can't keep thing about it. I didn't wanna say anything but we have been slacking off, we have a comeback soon and I'm not sure if Namjoon or Yoongi even started anything. I also realise how much we depend in them, I personally can't write anything nor read music so... To be honest the only reason I passed my piano tests was because i just memorized the keys..

And of I'm right, I actually have a lot to prepare for the comeback. Because I'm fairly new to the group, Army doesn't really know anything about me. Well not much about anything good.

They know I'm from a rich family and not that most of my life I struggled to make ends meet. They don't know where I went to school, my talents or even my personality. Most assume I'm a spoiled rich kid but I actually work hard and don't spend my money on stupid stuff. Well stuffed animals and snacks don't count.

Anyway, I know we're picking up attention in America and plan to go back once again. Of course after we go home, you see everyone thinks were in Korea right now but in reality we didn't want to fly twice in a week. So we just kinda stayed in one huge hotel for a good week or two.

The hotel is more like a house though, probably because it is. It's a rental for vacation or whatever, I don't know much about it except for that it was expensive as heck.

But Army probably know were still in America now, you know that not too long ago shopping. Well the pictures spread like wild fire and people probably know now. Honestly I was kinda hoping we could rest more before having to work hard again.


"Hey hyung?" I asked Namjoon.

"Uhm?" He replied typing on his computer.

"I can sleep with guys again tonight, right?"

His chair turns around and he looks at me. "Sure, still having nightmares?" He teased.

"They aren't nightmares~"

"Sure they aren't"


"Fine, I understand" He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his lap. "Listen to this" With a press on his keyboard, music started to play. The quality was terrible considering he probably recorded the voices here and not in a studio but the music its self was wonderful.

It started off slow but came in with the climax, it had many different beats but at the same time it sounded like a sad song. Even though the lyrics were quite joyful. The lyrics talked about being with the one you loved and the work towards gaining it.

"Why is it sad but happy?"

"To show the sadness you obtain on the journey to happiness and when you realize that the happiness finally overpowered the sadness when you obtained it, or maybe happiness that has yet to be completed because the singer hasn't reached the one he truly loves"

"So Jin isnt the one you love?" I bluntly asked.

"WHAT?!? NO!" He sighed and pushed me off. "Apparently you don't understand anything about what I said."

"I did"

"You didn't"

"I really. Did"

"Explain it"

"Actually I think Taehyung called me" I slipped out of the room and heard Namjoon laugh behind me as I left. I ran to Taehyung and Jungkooks, not bothering to knock. I opened the door and saw Taehyung laying on his bed. Immediately I ran and jumped on him, but it was already too late to move. Taehyung had grabbed my arm and somehow managed to pin me under him. It was not Taehyung.

It was Jungkook, I blushed and screeched playfully at him to let go. When he didn't I kicked him in the gut and he fell on me. And what made matters worse he just didn't get up, he just laid on top of me. Crushing my small body with his ginormous one.

"Ugh! HaLp!" I yelled and thankfully Taehyung came to my rescue and managed to tackle him off. We played around a bit, even if it was a bit too awkward for me. Especially when I wasnt even sure if Jungkook knew my secret.

Anyway eventually we ate some food (left over Panda Express)

"So Teahyung. We need to talk. Panda Express is just getting old, aren't you sick of it?"

"Nope! I would have some for breakfast too if Jin wasn't here"

"I think your organs are gonna shut down"

"What?" I walked away and went to Namjoon's room. The door was opened and Jin was getting dress. Yet again his wonderful shoulders blessed my eyes, I walked to the bed and laid down into the middle. Stealing as much as I could.

I wouldn't be cold with two warm bodies next to me but I like to have the blanket around me for protection. Yeah Jin already knows I'm technically a girl and he's trustworthy but I really don't want Namjoon to find out. Although he'd probably just be like a supporting dad. I love my gay dads.


(Okay so luckily most of my dang school tests are done, so I'll be able to upload more!)

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