Chapter 3- Spoooooky

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Aoyama: ~Shishtar Shparkles~
Mina: Norbert
Tsu: Licker (RE2)
Iida: TheAndroidSentByTensei
Uraraka: Gravity don't mean too much to me
Ojirou: Kangaroo Jackie-Chan
Kaminari: Leon "the S stands for sexy" Skennedy
Kirishima: RockHard™️
Kouda: Purity uwu
Satou: Candyman
Shouji: In the Arms of an Angel
Jirou: O.K. KYO
Sero: Ada Wong
Tokoyami: Fucknugget
Todoroki: Icy T H O T
Hagakure: Where'd ya come from Where'd ya go
Bakugou: Lemon Boy
Midoriya: Bone hurty juice
Mineta: Soft Grapes
Yaoyorozu: Engineer

Norbert: When I said "everyone bring their own movies" I didn't mean "Tokoyami bring part of your collection of horror movies"

In the Arms of an Angel: I feel like you should've expected this.

Norbert: Lol probs.

Leon "the S stands for sexy" Skennedy: Yo he showed me his horror film collection and it's actually pretty sick
Leon "the S stands for sexy" Skennedy: @Fucknugget what movies did ya bring?

Fucknugget: Only a few of my favorites. And do not fret, I have added up the times of all the movies so we have enough time to watch all of them. All I shall reveal is first we will watch Alien.


In the Arms of an Angel: So you'll be controlling what we watch tonight?

Fucknugget: Yes. I will be the wise sage of darkness, here to lead you all through the terrifying majesty of a quest of a forbidden and ominous nature.

In the Arms of an Angel: Ok cool but can I see what you picked out for tonight?

Fucknugget: Of course. I'm in the kitchen right now. You may come and see what horrors I have up my sleeves.

In the Arms of an Angel: Thank you

Fucknugget: Anytime

Norbert: anybody else seein this??? ;)

Leon "the S stands for sexy" Skennedy: Toko was like this even when we were playing our game, mayhaps it was meant to be ;))

Ada Wong: Toko????

Leon "the S stands for sexy" Skennedy: Oh lmao yeah, his name was too long for me so I gave him a nickname.

Ada Wong: Huh

RockHard™️: Is this... jealousy I see in my good Christian chat???

Ada Wong: ausjaahsisnaisdbsnsiHSIS

Bone hurty juice: I think you should take that as a yes

Icy T H O T: Yes it certainly seems suspicious.


Where'd ya come from Where'd ya go: Now that we're talking about this, I actually think Kami and Toko would make a cute couple!

Norbert: ooooH yeah! They've been hanging out so much and became really got friends out of,,, nowhere. Maybe something is up ;)))

O.K. KYO: As Kaminari's other best friend, something is totally up ;)))

Ada Wong: uhhhhhh yeah! They'd really be cute together and stuff!

Leon "the S stands for sexy" Skennedy: But?? Toko is beak over heels for ShonsjskanaussnJSISAKAK

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