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thank you all for the love and support of this collection of short stories, although none of them are my own work.
i've tried to write novels in the past and i've given up because i feel i am constantly growing as a writer, but for the 60th (and perhaps final) chapter of this book, i've decided to share a short story that i have written recently.
do you see the symbols in this short story? please tell me your honest opinions on it in the comments.


I opened my eyes to the color white. I had to blink a few times for my eyes to become accustomed to the light room surrounding me; four white walls, a white floor, and a white ceiling, all of which were seemingly made of polished white stone. My colored skin was the only thing in contrast with the achromatic abyss around me. I surveyed my attire; the colorful clothes that had previously adorned my body had become blank and colorless pieces of fabric that draped over my body, masking the skin underneath them.
I got up, off the floor where I had come to consciousness and paced around the room looking for any crack or dent in the walls, floor, or ceiling that served as a sign of an exit, of a way out of this void. I traced my fingers over every inch of every wall; I looked up at the ceiling looking for something, anything, that wasn't white until my neck began to ache; I crawled on my hands and knees to look for any trap door in the floor until my knees were numb.
Tired, I sat down, huddled in one of the blank corners of this standard-sized square room, on the verge of tears when I noticed something in the corner of my vision. Small black particles began to form out of thin air, all moving towards the wall in front of me. I rubbed away the tears that had formed in my eyes. One by one, these miniscule molecules began to form a rectangular shape on the wall. I knew what the shape was; it was my way out. Slowly, the dark rectangle began to look more like a door, complete with a polished, black, metal handle.
What if this door was just a figment of my imagination? Have I really been here long enough for my mind to play tricks with my vision? I decided I would take the risk; I would rather see what this door holds than be trapped in this abyss for eternity. I got up from my huddled position and stepped carefully and deliberately towards the door until it was only at arm's length.
I took in a single breath then wrapped my fingers around the cool metal of the door handle and turned it. The door swung open without fault. My eyes were met with vivid color, an entire world full of color, full of life. I stepped into this new unfamiliar place and watched as my clothes were restored to the bright, expressive colors they were meant to be, no longer masking my colored complexion. I was free.

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