Chapter 22

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My first thought was to sit up. When I tried, somethimg held me back. Chains.

"What is going on?!" I snapped; my voice was echoing off the dark gray walls.

They didn't reply, just smirked. The thing was, they didn't have any weapons. I was the only threat in the room. Something was up. And it wasn't just the burnt up light bulb on the ceiling.

I stayed frozen in my spot. The cement ground was cold against my tied up body. The chains were heavy, unbreakable. My jeans and hoodie were both torn up; as if it took them a lot to get me here.

A scent hit my nose; burning. Something was burning.

I noticed there were now less attackers in the room then before. They were leaving. Which means there was a door somewhere around here.

The smell of burning was suddenly connected with the sound of crackling fire. I couldn't tell where it was coming from. Everything was confusing.

"Open wide sweetie." An attacker mocked. "What do you want?!" I spat, glaring at him. He bent down to the ground next to me and pulled something out. It was a dark green liquid. A gasp came out of my mouth. He was trying to give me a potion of poison. From minecraft.

"H-how did you get t-that?" I stuttered at a loss of words. "We all know how much you like to play that video game. So we thought, 'why not be nice to our guest?' Now open wide."

I clamped my mouth shut and widened my eyes. There needed to be an explination for this. I've heard of things that are like items in minecraft, but this is real.

"Chloe! Chloe! Look at this!" Alexis shouted; wailing a fake minecraft iron sword in the air. "That's so cool! Where did you get it?" I questioned, picking it up and looking at it.

"My secret." She giggled and ran away with it down the stairs.

I laughed and went back into my room and went on my laptop.

'Fake minecraft iron sword.' When I pressed enter on Google, I was surprised. There was a lot of real life minecraft stuff.

"Huh. I never knew about the iron sword. I thought they only had stuffed animals of the mobs. That's pretty cool." I continued to look up minecraft merchandise, and surprised myself by how much stuff there was.

"Wow. If only this stuff was real."

The attacker narrowed his eyes at me when I denied his request. "I said, open wide." His voice was cold.

He put one hand on my mouth. He forced my mouth open, being careful so I couldn't bite him. With his other hand, he dipped the liquid into my mouth.

"No!" I roared as he got up and left the room, leaving me alone. My vision got fuzzy, and pretty soon I passed out.

"Oh my God!" I shouted as I shot up in the hospital chair, startling everyone in the room.

"Uh are you OK?" Jason looked at me in shock. "Yes.... I think. Just a bad dream." I replied, worried.

Two doctors gave each other a weird glance before one of them spoke. "We're letting them go home today. They need to each take medicine twice a day; in the morning and at night." The doctor continued to tell me about it.

"Are you seriously OK? You looked really freaked out when you woke up." Jason whispered when we got home. "Um... Yes." I answered and ran upstairs to my room.

I want going to sleep. I couldn't sleep. I wanted to take a walk, but people can't really go outside anymore because of the attackers. Instead I stared out the window. It was pitch black outside. When I checked the time, it was midnight. My mind started to wander.

What was that dream about?

Why did I have that dream?

It felt so real.

My eyes fixed themselves on the sky. But what I saw made me scream.

The moon looked just like the one in minecraft.



Yeah, I know this is a really short chapter.

I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated ALL SUMMER! There were lots of different reasons.

But it's here! Yay¡!

(Picture to the side of what the real life potions look like)

I've noticed that some of my A/N's are really long so I'll keep this short.

I will try to update again soon!

Hope you enjoyed!

See ya! -Chloe

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