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Happy Valentine's day you nerds <3 Enjoy this little bonus chapter!! :D


Izuku waved goodbye to his friends, feeling a little bad that he'd turned down their offer of playing hide-and-seek around the campus, but this was so much more important. He practically sprinted through the corridors, almost eager enough to use his Quirk because he was just so excited. Of course, Tenya would be disappointed enough if he found out his friend had been running indoors, but he'd probably be even more upset if Izuku used his Quirk to go even faster, and the thought of his ashamed expression was enough incentive to keep the boy from giving into his whims.

Aizawa was waiting for him just inside the front gate, as usual. He almost looked like he was asleep standing up, but when he heard the student's approach he cracked open an eye and straightened up, gaze shifting over to the car waiting outside. Izuku beamed at his teacher as he slipped past, opening up the door and sliding into the backseat with a friendly greeting to the feline-headed police officer, Sansa, who was the designated driver. The boy had expected his teacher to sit up front, but Aizawa settled himself in the back with Izuku, who tried to hold back tears at how sweet that was.

"I should've sat in the front," Aizawa muttered when he noticed the boy's emotional state, scooting a little closer to the door and glaring through the tinted glass as the car started.

"Too late for that, sensei. Unless you want to clamber over the console and tumble into the passenger's seat..." Izuku tensed up and leaned over to grab his teacher's arm when the man looked as if he was considering it. "No, wait, sensei - don't even try, that's a really bad idea – you'd distract Sansa-san!" He paused and slowly let go, brow furrowing. "This feels backwards... Usually, I'm the one doing stupid things..."

"I should've let All Might come instead, no matter how glaringly obvious it'd be if you were escorted by the Number One Hero..." He sunk down in his seat, casting a sideways glance through loose strands of hair. "Why did I ever think being trapped with you would be a good idea?"

"Because you love and care about me and my safety so you wanted to personally make sure I'd make it to my mum's new flat without accidentally getting kidnapped again or get into otherwise unfortunate situations?" Izuku suggested with an innocent smile, twisting around in his seat to face his teacher.

Aizawa gave a muffled groan from the depths of his capture gear, eyes rolling towards the roof. "Seriously, kid, don't tempt fate."

"It's okay, you know I'd beat them all up!" He reassured, hunching down and throwing mock punches at the seat in front. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you didn't have faith in my capabilities, sensei – does that mean you doubt your own teachings?"

The man fixed him with a terrifying stare. "Midoriya, this is literally the worst car ride of my life, and I've gone on a road-trip with Mic and Midnight before. I'd have no reservations about rolling down that window and tossing you out if I knew All Might would never come after me for revenge because I killed his kid."

"We've only been in here for about five minutes," he commented with a confused tilt of the head.

"The worst five minutes of my life," Aizawa insisted lowly, menacingly pressing down on a button to make the window inch down, letting in a warm breeze.

"I'm feeling... a little unsafe..." Izuku muttered, drawing back until he was pressed against the door, his green gaze narrowed distrustfully.

"Don't threaten to murder a minor, Eraserhead," Sansa cut in from the front of the vehicle, staring at them bemusedly through the rear-view mirror. "I am a police officer, remember."

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