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"Who are you?


The words stung Gibbs like a knife. She remembered what he did, but not anyone here now.

"Why, Ducky?"

"It's hard to say. She has a brain injury, but remember, Jethro, we were in this place with you about 13 years ago."

"What did you do?"

"We helped you remember things. People, events, stuff like that."

Gibbs walked over next to Bishop. Even though she didn't have any restraints on, she didn't dare move a muscle.

"Hey, do you know your name?"

Bishop looked up. "Yeah," she stumbled. "Bishop. Eleanor Bishop."

"What does everyone call you?"


Gibbs' heart sank. "Where do you work?"


His heart sank even lower. "Who were you with when you were injected?"

"2 guys. The one who stuck the needle in and some other guy."

Ducky sighed from across the room. She didn't use Anthony's name. She didn't remember him. She thought she was still at the NSA.

"Excuse me," Ducky said calmly while walking over to her. "Exactly how long have you been working with the NSA?"

"Not long. Maybe a month or so."

Ducky turned to Gibbs and kept his back to Bishop. "She's lost about 5 years."

"She's not dating Jake either."

"This is like what happened to you. And it's not good."

Ducky turned back to face Bishop. "You can call me Ducky," he said hoping that would bring back her memory but the blank stare continued. "I'm going to call your doctor over. Is that ok?"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Should I tell her?" He thought. She could get a little overwhelmed. He had to tell her. He couldn't lie. She would have to understand after a day. Yes, should tell her.

"You are experiencing some memory loss. You just need to be looked at."

"Is it serious?"

"I don't know. Maybe not."

"Alright. I guess so."


Tony balled up all the courage he had and he walked into the hospital. The smell of anesthetics and cleaners were all too familiar. He went up to the front desk.

"Excuse me. Is Ziva David in room 147?"

The lady clicked the keys on the keyboard. "Yes. Down the hall on the left."


Tony turned and followed his feet down the hall. He stopped just before the door. He peered into the window careful not to be seen. What he saw pierced his heart. She was lying still in the bed with tubes and wires attached to her. She just looked so weak and pale. But the Ziva he knew was just the opposite. But he still pondered the question of why she was here. Why didn't she tell him? Tony stood there and just looked at her. It broke his heart to see her like this. He loved her. No. He still loves her. She's family. He stepped over to the side and slowly forward. He continued over to the side of the bed.


She slowly turned her to face him. She couldn't move much else and she had a neck brace on.

"Tony, is that you?"

"Yes, Ziva, it's me. How are you feeling?"

"Oh my gosh, Tony. I can't believe I'm seeing you again. After all these years. Why would you come to see me?"

"Because." He was finally going to say it. After 10 years he would tell her. "I love you, Ziva."

She smiled. "I know. I love you too."

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