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Into the feat of existence
She didn't know how to keep up with the genuine cold consistence

What is right and what is wrong, she could never testify
Which is real and which is fake she could never bless a guy

What conjures with this world was far beyond her understanding
To get away forever
She sleuthed a spontaneous moon landing

Somewhere warm
Somewhere quiet
Is all she truly craved
Where responsibly and rules stayed only a blurry haze

She sought to see the truth, the meat of it all
But even staring at her own reflection, now made her skin crawl

She once built her walls up high to the skies
Tough ice mountains that never budged
They stayed nice and dry

Though as time went on, the sun blazed at her edges
Who knew walls could give away, in deep unknown crevices

Deep down in her brain
Flames had peculiarly stripped away

The rock solid soul that she had once built

How miserably cliché

She woke up and realized
To late
Too sudden

"No stopping it now"

she sighed, hopping hastily into the oven

As her puddles melted quickly into palpable smithereens

She wondered if everything appeared as it seemed

During the time she watched the puddles evaporate from the moon

She felt ajar, as if it all happened
too fast
too soon

She felt trapped, immobile, and stuck in a cage

Who knew that this was only the beginning

Of the ice age

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