Chapter 1 'Moving'

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When I first joined Stray Kids I was the only member not allowed to move into the dorm with everyone else for obvious reasons, but now we had officially debuted the staff of JYP and JYP himself finally gave me the okay to move in with the boys.

I smiled as the driver of the car I was in opened the door and assisted me out the vehicle.

"Thank you," I bowed slightly before watching as he made his way around to the back of the car and opened the boot to grab my massive suitcase.

Thankfully I didn't have too much stuff, well for a girl, to bring with me from home.

You see, when I was first joining the band I would actually fly back and forth from my hometown in London to train for a month and then head home again to be with my family, but now I had debuted I needed to be with the boys.

"You know where to go Skylar?" The driver asked, passing me my case.

I nodded. "Yes, thank you."

I made my way towards the doors of the dorm and quickly made my way towards the elevator where I pushed the button labeled '4th floor.'

It still wasn't sinking in that I was moving in with nine of my best friends. I had been looking forward to this day for ages.

It didn't take long for me to get to the floor I wanted. I quickly rushed down the hall until I came to a door numbered '6.' 

I pulled the keys Chan had given me before I left the last time from my pocket before unlocking the door and heading inside.

I pushed my way into the room, dragging my heavy case behind me where I saw all of my band mates curled up on the couch watching some kind of movie.

Their heads instantly spun towards me and their eyes widened.

There was a moment of silence before cheers erupted through the dorm.

"SKYLAR!!" Everyone besides Chan jumped up from their places on the couch and bolted towards me.

I barely had enough time to push my case out of the way before the eight boys engulfed me in a massive hug, taking me to the floor as they did.

I laughed as we hit the floor. I wrapped my arms around the two members easiest to get to, which happened to be Minho and Jisung.

"Hey boys," I sighed.

"Kids, give her some space to breathe and get off her," I heard Chan order from the other end of the room.

Slowly the boys all climbed off me. Woojin and Hyunjin held out a hand each for me to take.

After I was heaved from the floor Chan made his way over to us and pulled me into a hug. "We didn't expect you so soon." 

"Yeah my flight arrived early. Thank god too. I hate flying," I replied, causing all the boys to laugh.

"Understandable. Why don't we get you settled in so you can sit down and relax. No doubt you will have jet lag," our leader suggested.

I nodded just as Felix grabbed my case. "Come on, we already have your bed set up."

I followed behind the teen as we came to the room I usually stayed in when I came to Korea.

Felix opened the door and pushed my case over towards the bottom bunk of the bed on the far side of the room.

"Nothing's changed since you left," the Aussie stated.

I nodded. "Thanks Felix."

He offered me a light smile before making his way out the room, leaving me to my own devices.

I sighed to myself before looking around the place that I was now going to call my bedroom.

I had never shared a room with other people before, but I was kind of excited.

I think this is going to be the start of a very interesting journey for me.

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