22- The Beginning of Insanity

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Alone in a cage, what is there to be felt? You feel hunger but you're so used to the pain it feels like a friend at this point. The only friend who will visit you ever so often. I'm left to think, what is Todoroki doing? I can't feel at ease, the world is changing without me and I'm here relaxing. Forget me, Todoroki. Forget me! I am nothing but dead weight on your shoulders. I did nothing to help the world. You are the true hero. My hero.

<<Switch to Todoroki P.O.V.>>

I once said the world is easy to change and I stick to that, I want these worlds to believe in what we believe. It's stupid to think that we have to fight for this but the world does not sway with words. It listen through actions. Bakugou and I have returned to our home world, having nothing similar to the feeling of home I felt in Midoriya's. It's gone, a lot has disappeared. We head towards the past and tried to mend it. Our 1st on the list being Momo, she's done a lot ever since. She's even more amazing and respectable for keeping calm all this time. 

We had to book an appointment, something I never really done as a "Founder". I expected anger and grief for what I've caused her. She offered her life to me and I've done nothing but disregard her efforts. As soon as we saw her she embraced me, fire and all. I pushed her away but she insisted to keep it a little longer. I whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry." Not long after our heartwarming reunion, we did what we came for. We discussed the plan to her. We were going to be reckless not holding back on anything. 

She opened us to what was happening in The Upper Half. The rebels and their own plans, she got so close to them so much that she is involved in their plans. Nothing less to expect from the great Momo. Before I started to talk I told her, "Just remember, you don't have to do this. You can just go to the Elder and tell you're innocent about everything and we won't hate you," Bakugou looked at me weirdly as if he's thinking what nonsense are you saying Todoroki but I continued, "We'll understand."

She punches me in the cheek softly to express her struggle and replied back with, "For just a moment, can you just believe in me. We've trusted you but why can't you trust us back that we'll be there for you. You have to understand this. You're greatest weakness is your fear. You couldn't accomplish more down there because of us and I know it was because you feared we would leave you. Let me remind you! We can help you and we'll do anything. Me, Bakugou, and so many more you can't possibly imagine," I almost teared up with her speech but I didn't as I wanted to see more of what was to come from her mouth, "The rebels, the Lower Halfs, me, Bakugou, I think everyone can agree they're not fit to lead the worlds but if it's you. Todoroki, you can lead us to a world much better so please I beg you to trust me and to trust us." I held her hand and thanked her for that. I needed that, I really did. When your love is far apart from you, you're left with nothing to hug to. 

Bakugou explained the details to her, she nodded to all our suggestions not really giving a reply back. She's probably waiting until he finishes like how she acts with our past meetings. She doesn't speak when it's not finished yet, a well-mannered person.

As soon as Bakugou was done, she hesitated to speak,
"I'm afraid to say it but, I should have told you sooner. The rebels are quite done with this war." I could hear her gulp at the back of her throat. I asked confused,"What do you mean?" I didn't want to know because I'm sure it would mean bad. "They're planning to kill the Leader of the Lower Halfs." I accidentally screamed and stood up, "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" I grip my fists in frustration. "They're also planning to kill Midoriya and yes he is alive. He's just been imprisoned somewhere though they didn't tell me where it could possibly be. If they get their hands on Midoriya the Lower Halfs will surely get outraged, he's a very well credited man. He can cause an uproar and everyone can die. I do not exaggerate this Todoroki that is the truth. I know your situation. I've been keeping an eye on you. How you were almost caught twice. Its amazing how you persevered but I beg you persevere even more. See through the comfortable picture you see, and past it is what you truly want."

I got speechless again but really something to expect from Momo.
"What the hell, I didn't do anything to deserve this. Midoriya doesn't deserves to go to jail."

"You did, you dreamed and it wasn't such a bad one after all. Nobody deserves this life but we have to help them. My family, Todoroki they got them too. I don't know where but the Elder got them and I don't know if they're alive at this rate or they're.." I shushed her to stop, if she continued it would have broken her. Momo can't lie. She just doesn't. Honesty is in her portfolio and she holds it with high regard so I have faith in her just like I do with Bakugou.

After talking for a while, it's decided.

We're becoming rebels. We need to get the information, I need to get to Midoriya before it's too late.

"Rebel #2487 Shoto Todoroki

Rebel #5781 Katsuki Bakugou

Finally, Rebel #10 Momo Yaoyorozu, welcome back ma'am.

And Welcome to the Rebellion!"

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