Chapter 22

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Arjun stared outside his office window.  Him and Arohi hadn't spoken in days.  He had no idea what was going on in her head but he was sure Arohi wouldn't do something as callous as aborting their child.  She was pregnant and emotional and obviously scared if she even thought about abortion.  He needed to be there for her more.  He shouldn't be ignoring her and putting extra stress on her.  He should be thinking of ways to make her happy.  Help her realize how much she really does love this baby.  Maybe she felt she'd be doing everything on her own when the baby came.  He needed to reassure her that, that wasn't the case.'  He'd be a total hands on dad. The more he thought about it the faster he realized that what Arohi had said was because of fear and panic.  She didn't mean it.  He needed to to help her through this.  Glancing at his watch it was 2:00.  His board meeting would last a couple of hours and then he'd be home early to surprise his wife.  He'd take her to her favorite restaurant for dinner, buy her flowers, he thought as he picked up his phone and ordered a dozen red roses for her.  Yes, it was just nerves.  She'd snap out of this in no time.

Arohi had been feeling off all day.  She'd been having slight cramping throughout the day and her nausea was back too.  Just wonderful she thought. And today was her appointment for the abortion too.  Maybe I should cancel it she thought picking up the phone.  NO!  She couldn't.  If she was going to abort she had to do it now orselse if would no longer be an option as she'd be too far along.  Slowly she started getting ready.  Wincing when she felt another cramp.  But she pushed past it and left for the clinic.  As she pulled up into the clinic parking lot she felt like something wasn't right.  She rushed to the bathroom and into one of the stalls.  There were little droplets of blood on her underwear.  Her face had gone white as she stared at the blood.  "Oh my god my baby, my baby, my baby!"  Her eyes filling with tears. She tried not to panic, which was easier said then done.  You're in a medical clinic she told herself through her tears.  They can help you.  She made her way to the clinic  "I, I have an appointment.." she began before bursting into tears." "Mrs. Singhania?" the receptionist asked.  "Yes, and I'm bleeding."  "I think there's something wrong with my baby." she choked out through her tears.  "Please I need to see a doctor."  "Aren't you here for an abortion?" the receptionist asked.  Arohi squeezed her eyes shut.  KARMA was coming back to kick her in the ass!  "Please, please I need to see a doctor."  "My baby, my baby." she sobbed.  "Okay, okay." the receptionist said coming around and putting her arm around Arohi.  "Come with me."  "Dr. Sinha is free right now."  "She should be able to see you."  Arohi nodded as she hugged her tummy, following the receptionist into the exam room.  "It won't be long" Arohi nodded rubbing her tummy.  "Baby, I'm sorry."  "Just please be okay."  "I'm sorry" "Please god, I beg of you please god don't let anything be wrong with my baby."  "Let my baby be okay."  This was her fault she thought as the Dr. walked into the office to find Arohi clutching her stomach.  Tears rolling down her face.  Quickly explaining the situation the doctor put a comforting hand on Arohi's arm.  "Ot's okay." "Calm down" she said to a shaking Arohi.  "Why don't you lay down and let's check for the baby's heart beat."  Arohi did as she was told the whole time clutching her stomach.  The Dr. had to actually pry her hands away so she could check for the heart beat.  Arohi was frantic.  Her own heart beat going a mile a minute.  "And then she heard a sound, it sounded like galloping horses.  The Dr. smiled, "Now that sounds like a good strong  heart beat." she said as Arohi listened mesmerized by the sound of her baby's heart.  Her baby, her baby, her heart sang.  "Okay let's have a quick look at the baby." The doctor said pulling over the ultrasound machine. Spreading some gooey gel on Arohi's stomach she pressed something into Arohi's stomach. Arohi stared at the screen.  Not seeing anything and then she gasped as the Dr. pointed out a tiny figure.  That's your baby." she said.  Arohi stared at her little miracle with awe.  "Hi baby." she whispered with tears streaming down her face.  Not being able to move away her gaze.,  Hers and Arjun's baby.  She wanted to cry, laugh, yell and scream!  Her beautiful baby.  The Dr. took a few minutes and then assured Arohi  that her baby was A-okay.  "What you experienced was probably some spotting which is perfectly normal in a pregnancy." "Take it easy for the next few day and try keeping your feet up."  Go see your doctor for another check up in about a week if the spotting persists."  Arohi wiped away her tears and smiled.  "Thank you so so much Dr.Sinha." She left the office with a big smile on her face.  Her hand settled protectively on her tummy.  Her baby was just fine.  Strong , healthy and perfectly fine.  She was so lucky and she'd just about done the stupidest thing in the world.  Aborting her baby because of her own insecurities.  She was such an idiot.  She just about ruined her life.  Lost her baby and her husband.  The spotting had come as a wake up call she thought as she went and sat on a bench outside the clinic, God had just saved her.  Was this a sign or was this a sign she thought to herself.  But as she stared at the clinic she thanked god.  And she played back in her head what her little sweatheart had looked like in the ultrasound.  How could someone that she'd never met already have stolen her heart?  she thought as she pressed her hand against her tummy and smiled.

All along she had loved her baby.  But she'd been so scared of the changes and if she could actually take care of a baby, basically her insecurity  had pushed the love out of her mind and heart.  But she'd been so wrong. And today when she thought something was wrong and she could lose her baby, only she knew the anguish she had felt.  The heart wrenching pain told her she would never have gone ahead with the abortion.  She loved her child and she loved her husband.  She needed to go home and tell Arjun eveything and apologize for her crazy behaviour of the last few weeks.  She was pregnant with Arjun's baby,she thought to herself excitedly they needed to celebrate! 

She got home but Arjun wasn't home yet.  He's probably working late again she thought.  Picking up her phone she texted him.  "I'm sorry, come home, I miss you."  That should get him home soon, she thought with  a smile.  But 2 hours later, still no Arjun.  Hmm. she thought.   Texting him again.  At 11:00 when she still hadn't heard from him and had called his office and his phone several times and most of his firends including jiju who wasn't picking up, she started to panic.  What if he had been in an accident?!  The sound of her  phone ringing made her jump.  Please god let it be Arjun.  .  It was her jiju.'  "Hi jiju" she started.  "Arohi, you need to come over to the Marriot Hotel right now!"  Were the first word out of Arvind's mouth. "Why, what's wrong?" Arohi asked.  "Arjun's here...and he's not good."  Arohi felt fear wash over her  "What's wrong?"  "Is he hurt?"  "What's happened?!"  "Arohi,...he knows about the abortion."  Arvind said quietly.  Arohi's heart stopped. "No, how could he know?"  she asled slowly.  "You must have dropped the email between yourself and the clinic before you left."  He found it on the floor of your room."  "The abortion was scheduled for 2:00 he found it at 4:00."  "Arohi, things are not good."  "I, I"m coming."  "What room number is he in?"  she asked trying to speak over the lump in her throat.  "533."  Arohi hung up. She hadn't wanted Arjun to find out like this.  She needed to get to him and tell him that their baby was fine and that she hadn't done anything stupid.  She hated herself for the unnecessary pain and anguish she must have caused him.  She needed to reassure him that everything was fine.

As Arohi walked out of the elevator and approached the hotel room she saw Arvind standing outside the room.  Seeing her, he sighed.  "Arohi, he's very upset and very very drunk."  "So please don't take what he says to heart."  "He's just very angry."  "And the other thing is that he's not alone." "Who is with him?"  "Natasha...Arjun's old girlfriend."  Arohi's face turned white.  "What is she doing here?"  "I don't know." Arvind replied shaking his head. "Alright, I'll just go in and talk to him."  "I think I should come with you." Arivnd said worriedly.  "Jiju, I'll be fine.' "Arjun would never hurt me, he loves me. " "And he'll be fine once I explain that there..."  Arvind and Arohi looked as the door opened.  "Baby, I'll be right back."  "Don't go anywhere." said a giggling Natasha.  And then Arohi watched as Natasha leaned in and Arjun kissed her hard.  Arohi staggered back into her jiju.  Her husband had just kissed another woman.  Seeing Arohi, Arjun's eyes darkened with fury and he held Natasha closer to him prolonging the kiss.  When they finally broke apart,  Natasha giggled.  "I'd forgotten what an amazing kisser you are."  "I'll be right back." she said turning around and coming face to face with a shocked Arohi.  With a smirk, Natasha brushed past Arohi.  Arjun stood in front of her.  His shirt unbuttoned.  She could see lipstick marks on his neck and one on his chest.  She felt like she was going to be sick.  "Well, well if it isn't my wife!"  Arohi winced at the word wife.  The way Arjun said it, it sounded like an insult.  It's not too late she told herself, you just need to tell him there was no abortion.  She watched as Arjun turned away from her and staggered to the bar grabbing his drink and drinking it back in one go.  Arohi walked in and closed the door behind her.  "Arjun, I'm sorry you found that email."  'That was a mistake and I was going to tell you..."  "That your a conniving b*tch!"  "That you murdered our child?!"  "That you're a selfish, impulsive stupid girl who doesn't think before she acts!"  Arohi stared at Arjun.  Choking back tears.  "I love you Arjun and if you'd just let me explain...'"  "What's left to explain!?"  "You took away my child from me for your own selfish reasons!"  "All you care about is your stupid boutique!"  "Well guess what!" "I hope it keeps you warm at night!"  "I hope it gives you lots of love and support cause sweetheart that's all you have left!'  "I never want to see again!"  he slurred.  "You're as dead to me as our child is!'  "And you have yourself to thank for that!'  "You have your self to  thank for ruining our marriage!  "Those divorce papers you were always going on and on about, consider them sent!"  Tears rushed to Arohi's face.  "You don't mean that." she begged.  "Please Arjun, nothing happened I'm telling you our baby is..."  "SHUT UP!"  "Don't talk about MY baby!"  "I don't want to hear anything about my baby coming from your callous lips!"'  Arohi saw the unshed tears shimmering in his eyes just behind the cold fury.  "You disgust me!"  "Arjun please, just listen to me!'  "Nothing left to listen to!"  "I've already moved on!'  Arohi stared at him.  "Moved on to Natasha?" she sobbed softly.  "Yes, to Natasha."  "Once is never enough with Natasha, she's a wild cat in bed."  "Which she was earlier" he said pointing at the rumpled bed and laughing a cold laugh.  Arohi felt herself stumble, steading herself against a chair.  "You, you slept with Natasha?"  "There was no sleeping!' he said meanly.  "Not that it's any of your business my soon to be ex wife!"  "Your stuff should be out of my house by tonight."  "I don't want to see you in my house again."  You slept with Natasha to hurt me?" she asked tears rolling down her face.  Arjun stared at her with so much anger his body almost shook from it.  "Does it hurt Arohi?" he asked angrily as he staggered and grabbed her arm.  Arohi winced in pain.  "Does it hurt you that I made  love to another woman?"  "Does it kill you to know that I did something so horrible and devious and painful behind your back!"  Arohi stared at him.  "GOOD!"  "I want it to hurt, I want it to be a pain that stays with you forever!"  "Just like the pain you brought me by taking away my child!"  "MY child, you know, the one you killed!"  "Just like I need to live with that pain I want you to live with this pain."  Hearing a knock on the door Arjun dragged Arohi to it.  Natasha stood on the other side.  "Ready baby?" she asked ignoring Arohi.  "Sure am!" he said with a nasty smile as he shoved Arohi out the door.  Arvind caught her before she fell.  "Arvind start processing the divorce papers!"  Arjun barked as she pulled Natasha in.  Last thing Arohi remembered was hearing Natasha's giggle as the door shut behind her.

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