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Oh no. It's back.

'Dan.. I have something to tell you..'

No don't listen and believe.. Don't-

'You can't stop me Dan.. I'm always gonna be here for you, when no one cares. Like now, Emerald, Evelyn and your fake bestfriend Phil.'

Don't believe.. It's only lies.. Lies.

'Lies? Hahahaha Dan, you idiot I'm saying the truth! They don't care! They want you to die beneath their feet..'

"Dan?" Evelyn called out

'Evelyn? That stupid girl? Would you even listen to her?'

"Dan" Evelyn went to me "Don't let it take over you. Just look at me."

I just looked at her and the whispers continued.



"You bastard. Dan is not worthless and pathetic." Evelyn said like she's talking to me

'Don't listen to her, she just wants to be your friend and hurt you in the end by leaving you alone..'

"No no no no." I put my hands in my ears and closed my eyes

'That won't work Dan, even if you try to block me out..'

"Dan come here. I'm gonna do something remove your hands from your ears now."

The whispers got louder. 'You can't stop me..'

Evelyn put her hand on my head and started saying some words that I don't even think is a language in this world. She closed her eyes, still saying the words that I don't understand. She opener her eyes and all I can see is a pure white light.

She said the last words and the whispers faded. She went back to normal.

"Dan, do you still hear it?" Evelyn asked me

"No I don't. Thanks Eve." I thanked her

"Sure anytime. I'll say this one more time okay? Don't listen to it's words. It's just saying that to make you feel miserable. Don't let it take over you. Or else we're gonna die."

"Yes I won't let it take over me."

"Okay now we need to sleep." Evelyn said "Phil! What time is it?"

Phil got the watch in his pocket and looked at the time. "It's 11:34."

"Okay thanks!"

"Now Dan, wake me up when you hear it okay? I'm gonna do something about it." Evelyn said lying down

"Okay." I said and started sleeping


Someone opened the door, and Andrew came in with food and water like always.

"Here's the food guys." He said giving each of us

"So Andrew.. How is our plan to escape?"

3rd Person POV

Andrew just sat there in shock. He totally forgot and tried to make a lie. "Yeah keep up the act, it's gonna work."

Em, Eve, Dan, and Phil didn't want to believe him anymore. Phil is right all along. Andrew doesn't have a plan for them to escape. He just wanted them to live for James to torture.

Run, if you can. ( A Dan and Phil Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now