All because of a taco ~Harry Styles fan fic/Imagine

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  • Dedicated to I dedicate this to all the girls who love Harry Styles

You had a craving for something meaty and yummy. So you decided to go to the taco cart at the baseball Field. You walk 16 blocks and finally arrive. You're in a line of 4 and have nothing to do while waiting, so you just look around. Your 'woah face' is on. You see a guy in a hoodie. Yeah a normal hoodie but with a really big head in the hood. You keep starring and move ahead in the line. 

"M'am... M'AM...M'AM!" The greasy guy running the stand yells.

You snap out of it and order the extra meaty  taco in a hard shell. He hands it to you and you pass him a 20 dollar bill. The greasy guy from the stand looks up with your change but doesn't see you. You were around the corner watching that weird headed guy. You sneeze 3 times. The guy turns around with a glorious smile and says: 

"Bless you." 

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-you're HARRY STYLES!!!!!" You scream. 

He runs up to you and covers your mouth. 

"What are you trying to do?! Start a fan girl stampede?!" he says as he uncovers your mouth.

"Sorry..." You say. 

"YEAH! You better be!" He laughs. 

"Was that a joke?" You say 

"Yeah!" He laughs. 

You laugh with him. 

"Do you want a picture?" He asks. 

"Hell ye- oh I don't have my phone..." You say really bummed out. 

"Got twitter?" 


"I'll put it on there with mine... and give you a follow." You both smile. 

He takes the picture,uploads it to twitter,and follows you. 

He ends up asking you to hang out. Later it starts to rain and like any other guy would ask a hot girl:

"Let's go to my house so we can dry off." 

You run to his house with him, and run in. He grabs you a towel, and plugs in the tea kettle. You end up staying really late at his house and fall asleep to finding Nemo in the movie room. You wake up being spooned by Harry. You wake up and say: 

"HARRY! It's morning..." 

"Oh my gosh, I have to get home." 

Harry half awake says: 

"Do you need a ride?" 

"No i'm fine." 

You grab all your stuff and rush out the door and rush home. Your parents are waiting in the livin g room on the big brown couch... which means trouble. 

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Your mother asks. 

"I slept over at Ally's house." You reply with a lie. 


"I'm sorry.." You apologize. 

"GROUNDED for a week." Your dad says. 

You get upstairs and think to yourself: 

"I wonder how they would murder me if they found out I stayed at Harry Styles's house."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2012 ⏰

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