38- Feeling Like Bliss

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LIANA was at a loss of what to do.

For Merlin's sake she had only just made up with Harry James Potter and there was no way she planned on loosing him. She glanced around the strange room at the bottom of the trunk where she had landed, ignoring the searing pain in her arm which she had landed on, she staggered onto her knees and wincing as she got to her feet. She looked around.

She was in a tiny room by the looks of it, with no doors or window and the walls were made of some kind of metal, she frowned as she spotted a small lump in the corner.

As she nervously crept closer she realised it was a man who had been knocked unconscious or was dead by the look of it. But as she peered closer still she let a ear spitting cry of horror.

It was Alastor Moody, but he looked a lot worse than the one who was striding around in his office somewhere above her. This Alastor Moody was missing large chunks of his hair, he had dried blood on his lip, had been stripped of his warm outer robes and left in a shirt and trousers, and his skin was tainted a disgusting grey shade giving him a skeletal colour.

Liana was beginning to grow rather hysterical, she had no idea how Moody had managed to clone himself or what was going on but the brave Gryffindor lion was panicking. Her mind felt like it was being scrambled and suddenly it as like nothing was making sense.

Liana could feel her breaths coming in short sharp gasps as she backed away from Moody, for all she knew he could be dangerous just like the one above her.

So the girl began to scream.

Liana Holly certainly lived up to her nickname of lion as she roared the walls down, pounding her small fists against the walls of the trunk in a urgent state now. The space in the room felt as if it was getting smaller and smaller and she was finding it increasingly difficult to breath.

"LET ME OUT- YOU- MORON!" The girl yelled breathlessly as she stamped her feet on the ground, yelling for all she was worth. She listened for a second, but all was quiet in the office above.

"DON'T HURT HARRY, LET ME OUT!" Liana continued refusing to give up. But as she stopped for breath she realised the hopelessness of the situation, she couldn't fight her way out of a metal room no matter how hard she tried. Her hands racked through her red curls, leaving smears of blood from her bleeding fists along her forehead. Harry was in danger, she knew that much.

After a while she stopped trying to escape the metal walls that enclosed her in this tiny room and instead curled up in a ball in the middle of the room, her eyes never leaving the heaving body of Moody in the corner, she fumbled for any weapon she might have on her but found nothing.

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