Runner Runner

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My whole body was aching but the fear of getting caught kept me going.I had to stop to see where I was going ,running around like a headless chicken would not get me anywhere.I looked at the signs that were scattered around the street.One of them read that there was a small hotel 15 minutes away, looking at the other signs and assessing my options I had no other choice but to go there.

I began to run towards the hotel, I constantly checked to see if I was being followed ,luckily there wasn't anyone there.

I finally reached the hotel, it was very small ,it was more of a motel then anything the only thing stopping me from believing it is was the small ,rusty sign by the entrance.

"Hello is anyone here?"

"Are you lost?" a boy said.He had short brown hair he looked a little older then me.

"No ,I'm here for a room" he looked at me as if I was speaking another language.

"Oh of course, is it just you staying here?"

"Yeah ,I was supposed to get on the coach but I missed it ,I have no idea when the next one is so this is my only option." told you I was a good liar.

"That sucks, happens to me all the time" I laugh politely.

"How much is it per night?"

"Oh yeah it's £15 per night , but of you want food provided for you it's £25 per night

"I only have £50 so I'll just have the room ,thank you"

"You're room is number 7 and it's right at the end , I leave at midnight so if you want anything I'm on speed dial ,ok"

"I will, thank you"

The room was fairly big , there was a double bed,bathroom and kitchen space.It was more then I expected.I flopped down on the bed, today's chaos was making me sleepy , my thoughts were filled with the consequences for my actions.I could stay here and start again or they would find me and kill me.After my mind had finished playing tricks on me I finally fell asleep.

"Um hello are you in there?" I slowly woke up , I kept quite afraid it was all over , they found me and I will die.

"It's me from the front desk" I sighed in
relief as I walked towards the door


"Hey, I have some coupons for the pizza place down the corner ,I was gonna use them but I thought you might of wanted them."

"Awwww, thank you that's really kind of you" I took them from him and closed the door, I felt bad for taking them so on the way out I offered if he wanted to join me.

"Do you wanna come with me, to get some pizza, you don't have to"

"Yeah, I would love to" he happily replied

We walked to the pizza place,we got a table and handed the waiter the coupons, later on he returned with two large pizzas.We talked whilst we ate, he told me about his life and how his dad owns the hotel so he helps out.His name is Harry and he's 19 .I couldn't eat the whole pizza so, they put it in a box to take home.

When we got back to hotel I thanked him once again then said goodnight.I double checked I locked the door and pulled aside the curtain to check that no one was watching or had followed me here.

"Who are you looking for?" I quickly spun round. I flicked the light on .There on my bed laid a very smug looking vampire, not any vampire...Mr Stone.

His hands were behind his head whilst he crossed his legs.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"What are YOU doing here?" he replied

"What do you think?"

"I think you got scared and ran away.Am I right?" He taunts

"No" I snap back


"So what now?" I ask

"You're going back to the mansion, even tho you should be punished , the boys think it's a little extreme besides there's a job coming up and a bruised and bloody girl isn't very appealing"

"Then let's go" I don't completely trust him , but he's right if I'm bruised or injured it isn't going to look very good and Romeo will be suspicious.

"It's complicated , there was an issue at the office, so it looks like you're stuck here with me for the time being"

"Are Nicole and Tasha ok?"


Don't let him in, don't let him get too close, don't trust him.I don't know how long were going to be in here for but It wouldn't hurt to get to know him a bit .

"Do you want some pizza?" i hold out the pizza for him to take it.

"It's pepperoni , I can heat it up if you want me to"

"No its better cold" I walk over and handed it to him. I went over to the kitchen to get a drink of water, I held out a glass for Ivan but he denied it.

I sat on the chair that was next to the bed.I drunk my drink and put it to the side.

"How did you find me?" I question making sure to keep my distance from him.

"I followed you?"

"But I checked and I didn't see it you"

"That's because you weren't looking hard enough"

"How did you get in?"

"It's a vampire thing" I looked at him in confusion.All of a sudden he disappeared. I shot my head side to side trying to find him,I got up and walked towards the bed.

"Cool right" he was sat in the chair I was just in. I smiled in amusement

"So you teleport" he nods his head

"What else can you do ?"

"Ill make you a deal , I'll show you something in return you tell me something about you"

Without thinking i responded ,my curiosity got the best of me. "Deal"

"Ok" in lighting speed he was By the door.

"Speed" I said

"Where did you live?"

"I lived in a small house , in London "

He picked up the bed I was sat on with one hand. I was so excited I was laughing my head off, he looked at me with amusement.

"Strength" i stated

"Why did you live alone?" his question made me sad , my mood immediately changed, I didn't want him to ask me anymore questions. When he noticed my change of mood , with vampire speed he moved towards the chair.

"My parents died in a car accident years ago.The house was left in the will, with some money"

"I know" what!

"What?" I asked

"I know what happened, I know everything about you.I just wanted to see if you would trust me" he stated

"That's not fair" i whine

"Life isn't fair"

"Do you trust me?you shouldn't you're nothing but a food supply, a snack, a weak ,worthless being that's fun to play with. You're nothing but a nuisance a waste of space, nothing more. So don't let a little bit if attention get to your head" he said calmly

"And you're nothin but a leach , you're a parasite, without us you'd be nothing" I responded but with anger


"Its late , do you want the bed or the chair?" I ask. Arguing with him would get me nowhere he would win no matter the outcome.


I didn't trust him so I just led on the bed and closed my eyes.Hoping that eventually I would fall asleep.

Vote , comment and follow me.I hope you enjoy it so far!!! xxxxxx

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