{Attack on titan girls x fem reader}

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Me and my brother Armin we are training hand to hand combat and I was teaching him how to use some techniques but he was having some trouble,"You good there little bro?"I asked sticking a hand for him to help him get off the ground Armin rubbed his head then looked up at me taking my hand."Thanks sis maybe you went too hard on me"Armin said I rubbed the back of my head nervously "Yeah maybe I did sorry about that"I replied Armin just smiled at me,while walking around to spar with someone I saw someone fly though the air landing on me "Ow! Oh (Y/N) oh god are you okay?!"Reiner said on top of me I grunted from the pain "Heavy...get off of me..."I grunted from pain hitting Reiner's back he got the gist and got off me.

I panted taking all the air my lungs missed "Here sorry about that"Reiner said sticking his hand out for me I took it he helped me up he looked up at me since I'm taller then him Reiner is 185cm or 6'0ft and I'm 196cm or 6'5ft 2 inches taller then Bertholdlt,"Nah it's fine I just don't want to know how you were thrown though the air?"I said Reiner laughed at me I started chuckling catching the attention of the girls while chuckling with a laughing Reiner.

It was dinner time we are eating me and Armin were the last ones to enter the cabin full of food "Hey where were you two?"Eren asked I shrug my shoulders "Armin was showing me some stuff about titans and was talking about the sea"I said with honestly earning a punch to my arm by Armin "Why did you say that I thought we agreed that no one's was supposed to know!"Armin yelled at me with embarrassment I put my hands up in defense "What I was just telling them what we were talking about geez"I said while rubbing my arm.

I grabbed some food and a table not really caring about who I'm sitting by then someone slugged they arm over my shoulder,"Whatcha eating there huh?"Ymir asked too close to my face I backed my face away a little bit "Eating some soup and bread"I answered raising a brow she nodded her head then walked away leaving me confused as fuck.I woke up early so I don't get yelled at I got dressed and made my way to some breakfast then some training to hand to hand combat,I was going to ask Armin for some training when I saw him training with Eren I shrug my shoulders and start walking around not really caring at this point.

While walking I feel someone tap my shoulder I was thinking it was Mikasa so I turn around not to found her standing behind me,it was Annie Leonhart she kinda scares me with that icy glare she has with her crystal blue eyes but she wasn't glaring at me she just stares at me with curiosity.I raise an eyebrow and turn my body to face her "What's up need something from me?"I ask resting my hands behind my head Annie stops staring and looks up at me to make eye contact with me "Yeah I was wondering if you would like to spar with me?"she asks with her calm voice it takes me a few minutes then I answer "Yeah sure you will be a real opponent"I said winking at her then walking to a place on the field that was open Annie blushes but quickly covers it up.

We both get to our fighting stance both of us have our fists raised to our faces we stare at each other for a couple seconds then I make the first move,I go for a punch but as expected Annie moves and tried to elbowed my left arm I move my left arm and swing my right arm to her face she uses her arm as a shield for her face and blocked my attack.I moved back a little bit then Annie goes for my leg I jump up dodging her move then in mid air I tried to punch her she caught me off guard and grabbed my arm throwing me on the ground landing on my back,I grunted from the pain then she gets on top of me trying to punch my face I move my head to the left so her fist came in contact with the hard dirt Annie had me pin to the hard dirt she picked up her fist off the dirt then tried again to punch me I grabbed her fist trying to push her fist away from my face.

I struggled against her grip Annie straddles me as I try to push her off me you know for someone who is 5'0ft she is hella strong,her fist is getting closer to my face I start pushing my hand up more so her arm is going up then Annie starts pushing on her fist making my hand go down but then she starts pushing her face closer then mine.I try to back my face away but I couldn't cause my head rested on the dirt I start pushing my body up to try at least get her off me then Annie pushes her lips against mine my eyes go wide Annie starts pushing her ass onto my stomach.Annie stops pushing her fist into my hand and grabs the collar of my shirt to try and deepen the kiss I saw this as a opportunity and pushed the blonde off me,I scoot back panting from the fight and maybe little bit of the kiss I put my hand on my lips I look at Annie for an explanation she looks at me then looks down at the ground her bangs covering her eyes she gets up and leaves me as confused as ever.

It was nighttime and I was eating my dinner or more like was thinking about what happened this morning I was lost in thought I didn't know someone was calling my name,I look up from my bowl of soup and see Annie standing at the edge of the table staring at me "Oh sorry Annie what did you say?"I ask rubbing my head "I said can I seat by you?"Annie asks again I nod my head she takes a seat by me.we eat in silence until she breaks it "Hey you know you are good at fighting I have no clue how you and Armin are siblings?"Annie asks I chuckle "Yeah that's what a lot of people say specially height,height apparently is the big difference you know?"I say earning a little giggle from Annie I smiled a little bit knowing I made her giggle which I never heard before,we eat in more silence until Annie speaks again "Hey what I did at the training grounds is because-"Annie said but was cut off by the other girls joining our table which are Mikasa,Sasha,Ymir,and Christa I turn my attention on them greeting them.

I turn back to Annie "Sorry what were you about to say?"I ask her Annie's eyes go wide then she turns back to her bread "No it's nothing"she says I raise an eyebrow "So why are you girls here?"I ask the others and continued to eat my soup none of them answered,then Mikasa raises her hand "(Y/N) can I tell you something?"Mikasa asks I nod my head "I have feelings for you"Mikasa says with a calm face I spit my soup out and start choking "W-Wait what?!"I said after chugging down my cup full of water "Huh! But I was going to say the same I also have feelings for you (Y/N)-sama!"Christa yelled then came Sasha saying the same and Ymir.

Wait what are you saying they like me I was lost in thought thinking about this gripping my cup tightly then I felt someone wrap they arms around my arm,I look down to see Annie looking at me with a flushed red face "I-I also like you too (Y/N) why else did I kiss you"Annie said then buried her face into my arm now I was shocked did Annie like me like that oh my god.the girls started yelling at Annie for kissing me I just sat there thinking about what the fuck is happening I look to see Eren smiling at me Armin waving at me Jean being jealous Reiner smiling like Eren like a idiot giving me a thumbs up and Bertholdlt giving me a smile that says 'Are you okay'I sigh oh god how am I supposed to deal with this.

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