Imagine #7 - Ian Somerhalder

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 You kissed  your husband, Ian, before you headed towards the door. Tonight you were going out for first time since having your baby, which was a year ago last week. "Now, you'll ring me if you need me." You said as Ian shot you look. "We will be fine." He smiled, reassuring you. It was obvious that you were apprehensive. " I know how you feel babe." Ian said. "I felt the same the first time but nothing will happen, I'm with her. Now, go and have fun." You placed your phone in your bag. "I love you." You said. You kissed him and your daughter, who was being held by Ian, goodbye. However, now you were finding it hard to leave. She was so beautiful. Ian laughed at you. "Go! Have a good time!" He said as you left.

You met with your friends and caught up on everything that had been happening since you got pregnant, had a baby and hadn't been our for over a year. The three of you drank, gossiped, laughed. It was everything that you needed and more. You only actually one drink because you were a mother now and besides, drinking wasn't really your thing. You couldn't take your mind off of Ian and home and as much as you were enjoying your night, you couldn't wait to be back there. Paul was going to be at yours tonight so Ian wasn't going to be completely alone all night. 

Ian's P.O.V:

Of course I wanted her to go out and have a good time. She deserves it. She carried and pushed out our child. She's amazing and I just can't believe that we're  married. Neither can anyone else to be honest. I hated that it made me jealous that she was out having fun when she could have been having fun here with me? Does this make me a bad person? 

I was sat downstairs with Paul,  enjoying a drink when a notification came through. i picked up my phone and looked at it. Paul looked over and said; "Looks like she's having fun." He smiled,  I scrolled through the pictures that had been posted online of (Y/n). She was laughing, smiling and clearly having a great time. I smile faintly, liked the picture that already had a lot of likes and shut my phone off. 

"It's nice to see her having fun." I said, simply, taking a sip of my drink and looking at the television in front of me. 

"Okay, serious question Ian." Paul said. "Are you jealous?" He said, simply, looking over at me.

"Jealous of what?"  I knew what. 

Paul looked at me "You're jealous because she's having fun without you; because this is one of the first times that you haven't had fun together since (D/n) was born."

I sighed. "Maybe I am but does it make me a bad person?"

"No! It happens with loads of people. If you love someone, of course you're going to be a little jealous that they're having fun without you being there. In all honesty, she probably feels the same."

"I mean, of course I love her. She's the best thing that ever happened to me, I just hate that I'm jealous. She deserves to have fun."


By the time that (Y/n) got home it was half past ten. "Hey babe." She said as she walked through the front door. "Hey." She replied, closing the door quietly. 

"Did you have fun?" I asked her.

"Yeah but I didn't want to be out too late. I'm a responsible adult now." She smirked, dropping her bag by the door and heading over to me. She sat down and kissed me. "I missed you." She said. 

"I missed you too." I told her as she rested her head on my shoulder. "Nothing beats staying here with you." She admitted before she got up. "I think I'm going to bed." She told me, kissing me. 

"I might join you." I said, following her up the stairs to our bedroom.

Ian Somerhalder + Damon Salvatore {Imagines}Where stories live. Discover now