5. First Date Part 2

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Ashanti's POV

I started to regain my consciousness. I hit my head pretty hard off the ground.

When I looked around I saw Lamonte standing over the guy beating him viciously.

I stood up quickly, touching his arm trying to pull him away from the now unconscious guy.

"Lamonte, please stop!," I screamed. He didn't want to listen he just kept kicking him.

"Please look at me. Lamonte, please!," I pleaded.

At that, he turned to look at me and his eyes were filled with anger, which turned to worry as he touched my forehead and saw the blood.

He picked me up in his arms and brought me to his car.

"What were you thinking, Ashanti? You shouldn't have went to a bar by yourself. Look what happened if I hadn't came you would've gotten yourself seriously hurt. You're already seriously hurt," he yelled at me making my head hurt worse.

"You're too loud. My head is pounding," I said below my breath.

"I'm going to take you to my house and my personal doctor will be there waiting for you," he said sweetly.

I could feel his hand creeping onto mine and he held it tightly, giving it a sweet kiss.


The light was seeping through my eyes and I groaned in agony.

Why was it so bright?

I lifted my upper body slowly already feeling my head pounding. I touched the side of my head and felt bandages, that's when the memories of last night came flooding back to me.

My vision was kind of blurry for a few minutes until I blinked it away.

I looked around the room and I remembered it from the last time that I came here.

This was Lamonte's room.

I stood up and groaned as I felt completely light headed.

I walked around the house to look for him while calling his name.

Theresa, the maid from last time, found me and said, "You should be in bed. You got into some trouble last night and it's a good thing that Mr. King found you when he did." She led me back to Lamonte's room and made sure I was in bed properly. She asked, "What would you like for breakfast, Ms. Clare?"

"Anything is fine, thank you. You can just call me Ashanti," I replied to her in the nicest tone possibly even though I was feeling and probably even looking terrible.

"Okay, I'm going to get you some soup. It should help with the headaches. Mr. King said he will be back in an hour, he had some urgent business he had to take care of.

Lamonte's POV:

Ashanti was going to be the death of me.
She drove me so crazy and I have never done that for any girl that I have ever been with.
I never even slept in the same bed as any other girl.

I didn't even fuck her and yet, I'm still trying with her.

I've never had to try so hard with a girl in my entire life.

I am Lamonte fucking King.

One look and girls crumble to my feet.

God, she makes me want her so bad.

I don't even just want to fuck her, I actually wanna spend time with her and it's making me sick.

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