54: Assignment

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Their time at Song Manor was pleasant enough, though rather repetitive.

Sen Shuai was required to train according to a strict schedule and his diet was also carefully controlled. He was busy from early to late every day.

This left Sen Jia with a lot of free time. He wanted to do all he could to improve the standing of Qin house so he started to train some promising aides in the art of field medicine. 

In theory, his ideas seemed sound and Sen Shuai shared his experience of receiving field treatment during the surge. The Song clan head took an interest and allowed him to open a small training facility in the estate under the Qin House's name. 

The methods and theories were different than the regular soldier's training. Most of the Song Clan servants and warriors took it as a joke. Something to keep the little Qin Master busy and out of people's way.

When it came time for Sen Shuai to take his first active assignment, Sen Jia naturally followed along but was blocked by the unit commander.

"The little master should stay back. You might ruin your lovely face," he spoke gruffly to frighten the delicate man but to his surprise, the young man only gave him a cold look before continuing after Song Min. The commander made to grab his shoulder as he passed. "Hey, pretty boy, don't just ignore my kind advice." Unexpectedly, he didn't manage to even brush his clothes despite the young man seeming to be within arms reach.

As he stood there stunned watching the young man's back, he felt a threat. Instantly on guard, he looked up and met Song Min's flat gaze. He felt inexplicably pierced by that look, his spine even tingled with a chill of dread. Though Song Min barely whispered some words, they were clearly heard in the soldier's ear. 

"You're not qualified to touch him."

As the unit commander, he was annoyed that he felt fear from that little upstart Song Min. He wanted to go put the boy in his place, but at that moment Song Jun arrived. The soldiers were called to assemble.

Once everyone was assembled, Song Jun spoke a few words to send them off when he noticed an extra person in the ranks.

"Young master Qin, you're not a part of this operation." Song Jun dismissed him.

"I'm a field medic. I can't do my work from back here." He was resolute and unwavering as Song Jun stared intently at him applying a great deal of mental pressure.

Song Jun then turned his gaze to his son for a moment as if sizing up his ability. Finally, satisfied that the boy was firm in his decision and believing Song Min could take care of the "baggage" he dropped the subject. "As you like." He waved his hand and continued his inspection.

Many theories had been advanced as to what had caused the unexpected surge to happen. Because of Song Min finding beasts lying in ambush in the mountains, clan leader Song was worried the Spirit race extremists had discovered some way to create or predict new overlap points. 

What he needed now was information. 

Various intelligence reports pointed to a location as one of several possible attack points for Spirit race extremists. It's uncertain if anything will actually happen once they arrive.

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