Chapter 6

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"Will she be alright?" Api asked Tanah in the trip to the hospital. He took the liberty of sitting at the front so Angin and Air could comfort Daun, who was terrified out of her mind. "Who was that?"

Tanah's expression was solemn. His hands gripped the steering wheel, veins showing. He was restraining himself from crushing the plastic, lest they end up in a river.

"Petir's strong." Was all he could give the youngster.

Api frowned. "Why would her opponent attack her? What a sore loser."

Tanah's eyes were fixated on the road ahead.

"I should have stepped out," he murmured. "I could have prevented it."

"Come on. There's no way you could have known, let alone stop it," Api said. "No matter how strong you are, you can't go up against a weapon like that."

"Speaking of which," Angin spoke up, "what was that? You don't seem surprised."

"Neither are you, bub." Api didn't turn.

"We're all too worried, I guess." Air stroked Daun's hair. "We can only hope for the best."

Api frowned. "Where's Cahaya?"

This time, Tanah didn't have an answer.

* * *

As much as he was worried for his girlfriend, Cahaya had pressing matters to deal with. He could see that Petir would survive. He had to believe his girlfriend's willpower.

Now he was facing his girlfriend's assailant, sitting across him on a metal chair with her hands cuffed together. Being an intern in a detective agency, he had access to the prisoner's files. He requested to interrogate her and swear that he would not bring personal feelings into the investigation.

"What's your motive of your murder?" Cahaya's glare was as cold as steel. His glasses reflected the dim illumination of the room, KikiTa's smug expression reflecting upon the glass.

She sneered. "You angry I messed with your girlfriend, little boy?"

Cahaya didn't flinch. "Did you commit this crime due to petty insecurity?" he said emotionlessly. "Or are you paid by someone else? You're 23 years of age, eligible of execution and a life sentence."

He adjusted his glasses. "So I'll repeat myself. What is your motive, and where have you obtained such a weapon?"

Sliding a metal case with KikiTa's weapon across the table, her smile only widened. It was shaped like any regular training sabre with a dull grey blade, but Cahaya knew fully well that this was no simple weapon. The lines just didn't add up. Up until now, Cahaya hadn't figured out how she was able to convert energy into a controlled layer.

"Ask yourself that, young man," KikiTa purred. "You and your girlfriend know fully well. You two and five others pose a threat in the captain's plans, and we are going to pick you out one by one."

Her eyebrows quirked. "Starting now."

The wall beside them suddenly heated up into a vibrant red. Instincts taking over, Cahaya shot up from his seat, but it was too late. The wall exploded into smithereens, the debris all directed towards him. He held his arms up in a desperate act of self-defence, but it proved to be in vain as he was buried under the cement, like a human being buried alive in a coffin.

* * *

The moment Tanah and his friends stepped into the lobby, there was another stretcher being rushed around. Despite the fast movements, they could see the wounded's facial features, even if bloody and scratched.

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