Chapter 10 - K. Round's battle

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A/N: There are never too many Ralsei with guns memes!!! Am I right or am I right?

Susie's POV

"Hohoho... Well STEP on my BOOTS. If it isn't the Friendly Fun Gang." Lancer said.

I told them the name was dumb! Could this get any weirder?

"You boys or girls had better turn back while you can."

"Lancer! What is it this time!?" Ralsei asked Lancer trying to intimidate him but she was intimidating at all.

"Hohoho... I'm simply warning you...! Something EXTREMELY dangerous is lying ahead! Hohoho! It's actually really inconvenient! Ha! I can't go home at all because I'm so scared!" Lancer said smiling but shaking at the same time. 

"Wh... What is it!?" I asked Lancer. He pointed to behind him and let us pass. Behind him was the red piece I smahed earlier.

"Oh, hey, little guy..." Ralsei greeted it.

"That??? THAT's what you're afraid of???" I asked. I thought it would a merciful enemy but THAT!?

"W... Wow, purple girl? You aren't scared!?" Lancer was surprised.

"Heh, why would I be? What's it gonna do?" I said, challenging Lancer.

"Hm, well, normally..." Lancer started. The creature walked to the last part of the checkerboard and a crown fell slowly from the sky. When it touched C. Round became bigger and gained giant legs. I watched grow 6 times bigger and was terrified by its since. Ralsei jumped back with the scare and Kris didn't move a finger. I shook my head and prepared for battle.
"It crushed people to death, I think."

The now auto proclaimed K. Round was attaching us. Kris thought a little and decided to bow for the enemy because it was king or something. I smiled at his pathetic try of ACTing but then K. Round bowed back and its crown loosened a little. 

"That's it, Kris! If we can get its crown off... It should turn back into a little guy...!" Ralsei told Kris, smiling. Kris nodded. 

How did he...!? Whatever! I will keep attacking.

"Susie! Help us bow at it!" Ralsei asked me for help and I came back to reality.

"Nah, it's crown come off... When I smash this guy into the GROUND!" I said showing my yellow teeth.

"..." Ralsei seemed taken back by my answer.

I attacked the crown enemy right on the face but Kris and Ralsei kept bowing like retardeds. I could already see some scratches over his face. Kris decided to inform the red king about the importance of dodging my attacks. I gritted my teeth at his warning. They always warned everyone about me and it was getting annoying by now. Luckily for me, the red king didn't understand a single word.

Heh, nice.

I attacked again and what happened next none of us were expecting. It used self-care, grabbed milk with one leg and drank some it, recovering its HP and getting stronger yet dancing the whole time.

"Susie! Stop attacking it! You're making it stronger!" Ralsei screamed after realizing the power of the creature.

"Pssh, and let it think I'm AFRAID? No way!" I denied her request.

It then started flying just by jumping and putting its legs straight. Shiny particles fell of it, attacking me and Ralsei. The acting duo kept bowing again and Ralsei even giggling now. 

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