chapter thirty-seven: the end

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The End.

yes, shitty ending, i know. they aren't together, and that's not going to fulfill your romantic Tom daydreams.

but i want you to remember, not all stories have happy endings. not everything you see or every relationship you hear about is going to end with them riding off into the sunset holding hands.

that's the sad, bitter truth.

HOWEVER, if you really want to see a happy ending to this book, don't worry. i'm releasing a sequel!

thank you so much to the 2K+ who have read this book so far, and if you're interested, head on over to the sequel,


(if you don't get the way i connected the titles, please try, because i made them these for certain reasons)

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(if you don't get the way i connected the titles, please try, because i made them these for certain reasons)

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