Victim Vs Villain

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You turned too Denki a listless expression on your face. "Cheerleaders? Really?" You deadpanned.

"Yes! We can get hyped up before the tournament starts!"

You tried too withhold your smile of amusement. "...fine. Don't trick anyone though! Just ask if they wanna build school spirit."

"Are you saying you'll do it...?"

"Sure, whatever. But you owe me one."

You smiled and let Denki and Mineta run off together.

When Momo came too you frantically asking your clothing size you had a feeling something was wrong.

You had answered, she gave you the outfit and the girl's of Class 1-A had filed onto the field all wearing cheerleading outfits.

Than you heard the surprise of the announcers and the girl's.

And Denki and Mineta excitedly high fiving.

Camera shutters going off from other first years.

You grabbed Denkis attention and whispered, you're dead.

He gulped and nervously walked away.

"EH?!? KAMINARI YOU SHIT FOR BRAINS! GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKIN MORON!" Katsuki screamed and began chasing after the boy.

You had laughed and walked off the field.

But you're not laughing anymore.

Instead, you felt a lump in your throat as you looked at Aiko.

She wore a utility belt full of weapons because she was Quirkless and a smirk on her face.

You both stepped into the platform.

You knew the rules.

Don't leave the space and don't pass out.

So you awkwardly stood in the platform waiting for the dreaded countdown.


You gulped.


You watched her hands tighten around something in her belt.


You began too warm up your Quirk.


She pulled out a metal rod, quickly jammed her thumb on the end and it let quickly extend, in an attempt too push you out of the ring.

You ducked and grabbed the rod, letting your Fire Quirk slowly heat and and burn her hand, causing her too yelp and let go. You threw the rod out of bounds.

She looked angry.

Whenever you would try too get close, she would throw something at you and make you back up.

Eventually, you noticed the tiny silver balls falling out of her belt and floating into the air.

You gasped and looked up, noticing the rhythmic beeping and flashing lights.

"Aiko...!" You cried out.

The bombs were... directly over her head. "AIKO, MOVE!" You screamed and began running forward.

Her eyes widened as she backed up and carefully maneuvered her way around you until she was on the opposite edge of the ring.

There, a safe distance away, she pulled out a tiny button and discreetly pressed it.

The bombs fell.

You knew what too do, no matter how much it would hurt.

You directed both of your palms up and let fire spew from them.

The bombs went into the air and exploded, causing no harm.

You angrily turned and looked at her. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" You screamed and angrily walked forward.

The brunette searched through her bag to no avail for any weapon.

You grabbed her by the front of her shirt and threw her body into the ground.

She gasped and searched for air.

While she searched for oxygen, you lit a flame, making it harder for her too breathe.

The girl coughed and gasped for air on the ground.

The audience was stunned into silence before the loud 'boo's came.

You didn't care.

This was revenge.

You grabbed her by the shirt collar and lit your hand aflame. "This is nearly killing me." You whispered into her ear and punched her in the nose. "This is for torturing me for years." You punched her again. "This is for being A FUCKING BITCH!" You threw her frail body into the air, lit your foot aflame and kicked her out of bounds, the heat still scorching her body.

"U-uh... (Y/N) wins! C-can we get Aiko a stretcher... oh, okay you guys got it. But seriously, is she okay?"

You looked at her, not moving.

You didn't feel guilty.

You didn't feel sad.

You felt... the euphoria tingling your veins was one-in-a-kind.

Maybe... maybe they were right.

Maybe I should become a villain...

Meanwhile Denki Kaminari stood alone on a phone call.

"Yeah, yeah, I don't know! I don't think we should involve her though... yes, I know you're the boss—no, no I'm not speaking against you. Shig—Okay, sorry. But please listen. If she wants to join the league that's her choice. I refuse to force her... what? I've done your dirty work, why are you doing—mom? Mom, are you okay?! Oh God... mom I'm so sorry..."

The call ended.

He shuffled a hand through his hair and took a deep breath.

Can I really make (Y/N) a villain with me?

Denki Kaminari X Reader ~ EuphoriaWhere stories live. Discover now