Regret (Part 2)

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"-sorry but I don't think-"
"-you have to-"
"-don't know if-"


Peter was alone.

He knew that without a doubt.

He was alone, and, he could see, in complete silence.

He was in But he couldn't see anything except for this strange, neutral color.

Not white.

Not black.

Not even grey.

Just... there.

How strange.

He wandered for moments, that turned into hours, into days...

Still nothing.

At times he thought he could hear whispers.

Reminders of life.

At one point he heard his name.

It was said in a frantic tone, the speaker clearly worried.

And a plea.

He wondered where he was.

It was empty, but pleasantly so.

He grew tired of the nothingness, and walked toward the whispers. Now that he was trying to find them instead of run from them, they were clearer.

"Pete. I'm so sorry."

Peter wondered who it was, and what they were sorry for.

"Come back to me, паук. Please."

The words sounded familiar, said with a slight accent.

A faint touch.

Peter wanted to wake up.

He wanted to live.


"Please, Bruce. You have to try again. Find something, anything. Just save my kid. Please."

Bruce rubbed his eyes. "Tony, I don't know what else to try."

Rony reached out, touching Peter's pale cheek. "I can't lose him."

Bruce nodded. "I know. I'll keep trying."

The monitor's beeping increased slowly. Bruce looked over.

Then he jumped up, staring at the screen.

"What is it, Bruce? What's wrong?" Tony shot up.

Bruce pointed soundlessly at the bed.

Tony turned. The sight that met his eyes was one that he knew hed never forget.

Peter, blinking slowly up at him from the pillow.

" 'M I in tr'ble?" It was hard to make out what he was saying, his words clumsy and tired.

Tony cradled Peter's hand in his own, tears running down his cheeks. "Pete."

Peter frowned. " 're you h'rt?"

Tony pressed his hand to his mouth in an effort to contain his emotion. "Pete, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

Peter concentrated on moving his mouth to form his next words. " 's okay. Was bad day."

Tony shook his head. "I got rid of the alcohol. All of it. Every bit in the tower. It wasn't just a bad day. I'm so sorry Pete."

Peter reached out, his hand clumsily curling around Tony's shirt. "Stay."

Tony nodded. "Of course, bud."

But Peter shook his head, trying to pull Tony closer. "Stay," he mumbled again.

Tony smiled softly. "You want cuddles?" He guessed.

Peter nodded slowly, eyes drooping.

Tony sat on the bed, then leaned back, letting Peter rest against him.

" 'm tired." Peter mumbled.

Tony ran his hand through his son's curls.

"I know. But Nat will want to see you."

Peter brightened up. "She's here?"

Tony chuckled. "Yeah. Everyone else is gone. Except for Barnes. He isn't so bad."

Peter nodded drowsily. "Mmm. Wheres Tasha?"

Tony pointed to the door. "She'll be here in five... four... three... two..."

Right as he said one, the door opened, and Natasha walked in.

"маленький паук!" She whispered happily. "You're awake!"

Peter smiled sleepily. "Yeah."

She crouched, taking his hands in hers. "I think you will be happy now. I think," after a meaningful glare at Tony, "that your dad has learned his lesson."

Tony pressed a kiss to Peter's hair. "I got rid of all the alcohol, and Steve and the others are gone."

Peter slumped against Tony's chest, closing his eyes. "Mmm. I liked Mr Barnes. He was nice. He stopped Steve from hitting me more."

Tony took a deep breath. "Good. At least one of them has the least bit of sense."

He looked down, realizing that Peter had fallen asleep. He gave a wry grin.

"Sleep tight, kid."

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