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(pretend it's 2019 and i didn't leave this book in the dust-)

107 years is a long time, that's how long Jack Dawson has been frozen in the Atlantic Ocean. Now, 107 years later, he was found floating and frozen nearby the Titanic's resting spot. Thing is, he's still wearing his clothes from the morning the ship shank and he still looks the same, that's where our story begins.


"Where is he?" Brock said as he hurried, a young woman right beside him, "It's strange that he's not a freakin' skeleton."

"He's in there." (Name) says, "We should approach him gently, he's going to be confused."

"..right." Brock says, stopping at the door leading to the room the frozen man was brought into, "One at a time, it's probably better than all of us asking him questions."

(Name) nodded, she gave Brock a kinda scared smile, but she gained her composure and walked into the room. The man was awake, he shot up from the bed he was lying in, the sight of her made him freak out. (Name) told him that he was okay and that he needed to calm down.

"Let's calm down." (Name) said gently, she carefully walk towards the man, he looks scared, "I know you're a little confused and that's okay."

"Where's Rose?" He asked, "Did she make it?"

"Dawson Calvert?"

"Huh..? No, her name is Rose DeWitt Bukater.." The man says, his tone was scared, (Name) knew who he was talking about. "Do you know her?"

"..uh, yeah. She's my great-grandma, well was."

"..what?" The man asked, he got up from his bed and walked up to (Name). His tone was still confused, "But, Rose doesn't even have any kids."

"Yeah, she did." (Name) said.

"Well, where is she?" The man asked, (Name) had a theory on who this man was, her mother, Elizabeth Calvert, told her Rose's story. It was going to be hard to tell the man that the woman he was looking for passed away years ago. "Where is she?"

"I'm sorry, but Rose died. You've been frozen for the last hundred and seven years. I know it's hard to understand, but she died almost twenty-three years ago." (Name) said sadly, "I'm her great-granddaughter, she
did have a chance to meet me, I was born a couple years after she died."

"..I assume it's not 1912 either?" The man asked, (Name) hesitatingly nodded, "Okay."

"..I know it's not the news you were-"

"You think?" He asked in a cold tone, rolling his eyes. "You're not the one who has been frozen for a hundred and seven years!"

"I'm just trying to help you! I never once said I went through what you went through, I'm just trying to make you comfortable, make sure nothing happens to you."

"Something bad did happen, I'm still alive when the woman who was the love of my life is dead and I'm here, a hundred and seven years later!"

"I get it, you wish she was still alive, believe it or not, my mother wishes that she could see my grandmother, so you're not the only one!" (Name) points at Jack with an angry finger. "I'll go get the other people that I'm done talking with this asshole named Jack Dawson."

"Fine, go ahead." He said. It wasn't until (Name) slightly opened the door, she heard Brock talking to some of his crew members. (Name)'s expressions made Jack look at her in a strange way, "What's your problem?"

"..just come here and listen to them talking." (Name) said, "They're talking about you."



"We need to keep this kid safe, we don't know if people here want to sell him."

"That's a great idea, you know how much money we could make off of us finding that guy?" A male voice asks, "Donate him to Harvard or something."

"What? No, we are not letting you take him, the kid needs some time adjusting to this new world." Brock said, "Besides, that's human trafficking. We'll be taking him somewhere else."

"..suit yourself." The male says shrugging.

"Brock." (Name) calls out, the man turns around to face her, "I'll take him home with me."

"..you sure he's okay with that?" Brock asks raising an eyebrow. "He seems kinda scared."

"I know, but I think I have something that can calm him down." (Name) says, looking back at the room where Jack was staying in. "I'll go get him."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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