
12 0 0


Hp: 100,001

Stamina: 30,579

Defense: 3,000

Attack: 500


Lie detector (won't fall for any lies)and (if lied to during battle stats doubled), Gaster blaster, blue bones, orange bones, bones, fire magic, "true sight" (dodge all attacks directed at beta for 1 turn only) soul barrier (little barrier protecting soul)

Gender: female

Likes: pasteries, nice people, using her power for good, befriending others, chocolate, when others don't get freaked out about her having 4 arms,

Hates: almost every Chara, "The Mimic", blood, exp, LOVE, perverts,... called flat, when someone "touches" her, h I M, 


Elbow length blue hair, 6ft 2, red scarf, jeans, red sweat shirt, 4 eyes, the upper eyes are covered by her hair

Left eye: orange with a glow

Right eye: purple with a glow

Top L eye: black

Top R eye: black

Special abilities: 

Megalovania mode: Attack tripled "stacks with lie detector" health halved

Spider dance: turns enemies soul purple and gives them a large area to dodge spiders, bones, blasters, H E R  L I T T L E  F R I E N D, teleportation, soul throw


T H e R e  I S  N O T H I N G  H E R E  F O R  Y O U

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