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I tried calling Darrion a million times but have yet to receive an answer. After the incident at the mall i haven't seen or heard from any of the boys.

These past three days Santana been staying with me. She's grown so much on me. She even started calling me momma. I didn't wanna hurt her feelings and correct her so I just left it alone. She been asking where's her daddy at referring to Darrion but I don't know what to tell her.

Santana is literally perfect. She isn't bad like other 3 year olds.

I was currently up fixing Santana breakfast while she watched cartoons in the living room.

"Momma can we see Kells." She ran in the kitchen and asked.

"Yes, we can go after you eat but we have to hurry."

Kells can go into labor any second. We was with her all last night but since I had Santana she made us leave even though I really didn't want to. Avery been MIA so I knew I needed to be with her but she insisted on me leaving.

It made me so irritated that the boys was so caught up in their "business" that Avery couldn't even check on his unborn child.

All of them was going to hear my mouth whenever they decide to show up. Especially Darrion.

After I handle Santana and I hygiene. We got dressed and went to the hospital.

"Good morning bestie.” I said as I walked into her hospital room.

I go her moved into a bigger room so she could have a bigger bed. I wanted her to be comfortable.

"Good morning love." She replied.

Santana fell asleep on the way here so I laid her down on the near by chair.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"These contractions are kicking my ass. The doctors said they can't do anything yet because I'm not dilated enough."

We sat and talked about anything. I was just trying to get her mind off of the contractions. I could tell they was getting worse. I'm surprised she didn't say anything about Avery.

Soon the doctor walked in with Quanny and Momma right behind him. Momma walked straight to Santana just to wake her up and bother her.

"Hi Grannys baby." She spoke.

"Ok Ms. Davis you dilated enough and we should start labor soon. But unfortunately you can only have one person in the room."

Silence came over the room.

"I'll stay in the waiting room since I have Santana." I ruled myself out.

"My stomach won't allow myself to watch." Quanny said.

So that just left Momma. She was more then happy to stay.

Quanny and I made our way to the waiting room. We barely get to spend time with each other anymore and I honestly miss him.

"Give me my niece."He said snatching Santana out of my arms.

Well damn.

"So a bitch go into labor and everybody forgets my number?"

"Arianna don't start." Quanny said.

She rolled her eyes and took a seat next to me.

I laid on Ariannas shoulder until I eventually fell asleep



Arianna and I both jumped up from our sleep.

"Bitch I don't give a fuck. What the hell is the room number I'll shoot-"

I hurried and walked to a pissed of Avery before he could reach for his gun.

"Take a seat before they kick you out." I spoke to where only he could hear me.

He pushed past me and took a seat in the far corner.

I noticed Tezz and Darrion in the opposite corner but I don't feel like arguing so I just ignored it.

As soon as I sat back down Santana climbed in my lap.

"These past three days Tezz hasn't answered not one call and now he got his nerve to text me when he's just across the room. Has Darrion texted you?"

"Nope. At this point i dont care. Im single."

"Bitch you better not let Darrion here you."

A couple minutes went by when momma came with the biggest smile on her face.

"He's here." She announced.

When momma gave Avery the room number he damn near knocked her over tryna get to the room.

I grabbed Santana's hand and was on my way to Kells room until I was pulled back by my arm.

"Are you mad?"

I can't even believe he just asked me that. I just kept walking.

"Myah don't ignore me." He said reaching for Santana but she wouldn't go.

"Darrion you been doing it for the past three days."

"It was business related, I couldn't have my phone."

"Nigga whateva but it's okay don't even trip over it."

"What's that suppose to mean."

"It means I'm single."

I walked straight to Kells room without looking back. Santana stayed with her bitch ass daddy I guess because I didn't feel her presence anymore.

I tried to lighten my mood as I walked in the room. Everyone was still in awl over Kahlil Amir Stone.

"Awnnn bestie he's so cute." He was the spiting image of Avery.


4 am

There was a burning sensation in my chest. After Myah told me she was single I froze. My heart walked away from me. I didn't feel like being around people so I left.

Santana on the couch screaming her head off for Myah. Shit I wanted to do the same thing.

I feel empty. I'm not upset, but I know I'm not okay. Crying isn't an option for me but pretending like I'm okay isn't one either.

"C'mon stink." I picked her up and rocked her until she fell asleep.

I've called Myah thousands of times. I know she ain't sleep because her Instagram account says 'active'. I decided to text her.


If it's not about Santana I don't wanna hear it

I was handling something so we could keep Santana frfr your over reacting

Over reacting? I don't answer your phone call for an hour and you go out and get a new bitch. Nigga you was gone for THREE DAYS  how I know something ain't happen to you? I don't know if that nigga from the mall got you or what! OvER REacTiNg nigga please! 🙄✌And I want my child friday.

She's right.

I didn't reply because I didn't have any words to say to her.

I felt my depression creeping back on me.

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