I can't do this again

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Kyra was trembling with want for him, but she knew that it was not the right time to forgive him. Her heart told her to stay in his arms, but her mind told her to run. Pulling herself out of his embrace, she turned around and faced him.

"Do you think that I can so easily forgive and forget?" She asked him, angry that he thinks her so weak.

Michael looked at his soulmate, and said not one word, not trusting himself to speak and say the wrong thing to upset her even more.

"You have hurt me Michael, and I don't know if I can go ahead with the marriage!" She told him, expecting a response.

Michael's heart pounded wildly against his chest. He knew that there was a chance she might leave him, he has done her wrong. She has no way of knowing and believing that he was not aware of what was going on during his drunken stupor. Eva tricked him!

"I know that I have hurt you, and I'm sorry Kyra, but all I ask is for you to spend a few hours with me alone, mayhap we can go by the beach. I want to explain to you what happened." He told her, and held his breath until she answered him.

"There is nothing to explain. It is plain and simple, you betrayed me!" She said, and felt a pang in her heart as she mouthed those words.

Michael's heart twisted with pain also. He needed to explain himself and fix this mess before the wedding. He was desperate for her to understand what really happened.

"Please Kyra, give me just one more chance to explain, I promise you that you will not regret it." He said hoarsely, as pain speared through his heart, knowing that she could walk away from him, and cancel the wedding.

"Even if I do come with you to the beach, that will not change the fact that you slept with Eva!" She said, already regretting having this talk with him. She just wanted to be left alone. Now the anger inside her heart had doubled, and the pain was unbearable. She was angry at herself for allowing him to have this effect on her. Wanting to end her agony, she pulled the ruby ring off her finger and held it up to his face.

"You can have this ring back Michael, for I shan't marry you!" She said as a single tear glided down her face.

Michael stood frozen, unable to breath, as pain gripped his heart and squeezed it. She doesn't want him anymore he thought, and he died a thousand deaths.

"Put the ring back on, Kyra." He said in a hoarse whisper, as sweat broke out on his forehead.

"I will not!" She said coldly.

"Please Kyra, put the ring back on your finger!" He demanded softly.

"Why should I? Since I'm not going to marry you, I am giving the ring back to you, I don't want it!" She said, and her voice sounded final, and Michael's heart bled.

He grabbed her hand, and took the ring, and placed it back on her finger, as fear made it's way to his gut. She was in terrible danger if she took the ring off, and he had to find a way to make sure that the ring stays on her finger always.

"Do not take the ring off again Kyra." He told her in a firm and unwavering voice, and let go of her hand.

Kyra narrowed her eyes, "You can't tell me what to do!"

"Yes I can!" He said, "because wether you like it or not, I will be your husband! You have been promised to me hundreds of years ago, and I will not allow your father to go back on his word!" He said.

Kyra was angry now that her father and Michael had power over her, and they got to decide her future, without taking into consideration her feelings. Did it not matter to anyone that she did not want to go ahead with this wedding? Did they not know that she hurt tremendously that he betrayed her to no avail? Did they not realize that she will never get over the pain that twisted in her heart? Blinded by tears, and without thinking straight, Kyra ran as fast as she could toward the river.

Michael watched as she ran away, and his heart sank. She doesn't want him anymore, he thought, and it hurt like hell to know that she stopped loving him. He closed his eyes for a second, and allowed the pain in his heart to subside before he chased after her. With a heavy heart, he ran after her, and she tried to run faster but tripped and fell on the grass, and he caught up to her, and dropped his body on top of her, and pinned her under him.

The Prince looked down into her beautiful tearful eyes, and he hungrily claimed her lips, and kissed her passionately, unable to hold off anymore. He has never loved a single person in his whole entire life, the way he loved her at this defining moment. She was the very air that he breathed.

Kyra fought him at first, but was unable to hold back when his lips touched hers. She melted from all the love that she felt in her heart for him.

"Kyra." Michael whispered hoarsely, "to whom does your heart belong to?"

It belongs to you my love, she thought, but was not about to tell him so. He betrayed her, and she was not a fool to let him know what was in her heart.

"My heart belongs to no one!" She lied.

Michael tried to hide the pain that surged through him, when she mouthed those awful words, and he held back the tears that threatened to spill forth. The pain was unbearable, and he knew that she held the power in her hands to make him happy, or make him die a thousand deaths.

He dropped his lips on her neck and kissed her skin, and Kyra trembled with desire, but held her position well, and did not give in to her lustfull feelings.

"Give me your heart Kyra," he whispered against her neck, begging for even a crumb of love from her. "Tell me that you love me, and I shall bring the world at your feet."

"Never! I will never love you!" She hissed. Angry that he thought even for a second that she could just forget about the pain that he had caused her, and wanting to hurt him, she said without thinking, "if you were half the man your brother was, mayhap I could have loved you."

Michael's heart shut down, and he was unable to breath. Her words had power over him, and he, the mighty warrior, turned his heart to stone to stop the pain from weakening him, and lifted himself away from her. He knew that she did not love him anymore, but he was not going to give her up. She was his soulmate, and he will make her his wife by force if he had to. Pulling his body up, he looked down at her, and for the life of him, he did not understand why he had fallen so deeply in love with her. When she clearly had no feelings for him. She wants his brother, he thought, as anger set in his heart.

He had to find a way to change her mind, they were running out of time, and he desperately needed to make her understand that they were meant to be together. He bent down and pulled her up, and slammed her against his muscled chest.

"I will have you alone for a few hours, and try to make you see that we belong together, and after that, if you still want to leave me, then I shall let you go." He lied, out of fear and desperation.

Kyra raised her eyebrow and asked, "You will honor those words, and let me go after we talk, if I still don't want to marry you?"

"Yes." He said, holding back the grief that speared in his heart.

"Fine then, I will come with you, but you must keep your word that if I do not want to marry you after our talk, you shall free me of my obligation to marry you." She said, waiting for him to reconfirm to her that he will set her free, because she already knew that she would not change her mind.

"Yes, you have my word." He said, and he died a thousand deaths.

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