Confronting the Assassin

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(Y/n) sighed as he stared at Ryuko. "You okay? He didn't hurt you too much did he?" He asked showing concern in his voice. "Yeah, he just caught me off guard," Ryuko says as she goes and picks up Mako. "C'mon I'll walk you home." Says (Y/n) as he has his arm around her shoulder. Ryuko didn't even react as she silently walked with a blush.

Ryuko's P.O.V

"Ryuko are you alright?" I hear Senketsu say in my mind. "Y-Yeah I'm fine why do you ask?" I respond back. "Well, it seemed that your heart rate increased when (Y/n) wrapped his arm around you." Said Senketsu. I couldn't help but feel my face heat up, and my muscles tense. "Are you alright Ryuko?" I turn to face (Y/n) with a confused look. "I-I-I'm fine...hehehehe" I laughed nervously.

"Should I take my arm off your shoulders?" (Y/n) asked with a raised eyebrow. "Uh...HEY, LOOK WERE HERE!" I shouted as I ran toward the door. "TALK TO YOU TOMORROW (Y/N) BYE!" I shouted and entered the house.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

  "TALK TO YOU TOMORROW (Y/N) BYE!" Quickly shouted Ryuko as she closed the door. I scratch the back of my head confused, "Well that was odd." I say to myself and continue to wander around the place. As I'm walking I feel that something is following me. So I calmly begin to walk out toward the docks. 

I reach the edge of the dock and sigh, "You might as well show yourself I know your there." Nothing, it was pure silence. All that could be heard was the splashing of the waves. Until eventually footsteps could be heard. "How'd you know I was here?" Asked a very feminine voice.

"Did you forget about my abilities?" I asked facing the open ocean. "Right heighten senses. But that's not why I'm here." Says the girl. "Then why are you here, Hayley?" I asked turning toward the brunette. "Because I'm here to warn you." I stared at her with a slight interest. "What are you talking about?" I ask her. 

"Someone is going to send a hunter to go and kill you?" said Hayley. "And How do I know this isn't a trap?" I ask her. "Because it's the woman who killed your mother whose sending the assassin." Says Hayley as she hugs me. "Please be careful (Y/n), I already lost my sister cause of her and I can't lose you too." She says as she lets go and walks away.

I couldn't help but chuckle slightly, "I'd like to see her try." I say as I release a shockwave of my power.


(Y/n), Mako and Ryuko were walking toward the school while having a little chat. "Did you guys feel that earthquake last night?" Mako asked the two. "Yeah, that was weird." Said Ryuko. "Hehehehe...yeah weird." Says (Y/n) laughing nervously. "Looks like I let out a bit too much." Thought (Y/n) as they now stood in front of the academy.


(Y/n) was walking down the hall that is until he sensed something. (Y/n) turned around to be met with a kick to the face as it blew him out toward the middle of the courtyard. (Y/n) shook his head and look up to be faced with a girl with long black hair, blue eyes, and wearing all black. She even had black fingerless gloves.

"Who are you?" (Y/n) asked the girl. The mystery girl lunged toward (Y/n). (Y/n) dodged a punch from the girl but was met with a kick to the gut. (Y/n) lurched forward and the Girl uppercutted (Y/n) causing him to fall.

The girl tried to kick (Y/n) but he was able to grab her foot in time. (Y/n) pulled her foot causing her to fall herself. (Y/n) took the time and dropped on top of her. As he quickly pinned her arms to the side of her head. "Now let me ask you again...WHO.ARE.YOU?" (Y/n) asked her more seriously.

The girl tried to free her arms but was unable too so she eventually gave up. "You done, yet?" (Y/n) asked a bit bored. The girl growled at him as her eyes began to glow green. "Uh oh." Says (Y/n) as he rolled off her. "RRRRAHHHH!" Screamed the girl as a green wave flew out of her. (Y/n) quickly stood up as she came charging toward him.

"RRRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Screamed the girl as she threw a flurry of punches at (Y/n). As (Y/n) stood they're blocking all the punches, absorbing all the hits. "(Y/N)!!!" Shouted a familiar voice. (Y/n) turned to see Ryuko charging toward them in her battle form. Ryuko slashes at the girl causing her to backflip away from them.

The girl began to silently breathe heavily, as she glared at the two of us her eyes glowing a bright green, her hair now a bit messy. Ryuko pointed her scissor blade at the black haired girl as she side glanced (Y/n). "Who's she?" Ryuko asked a bit harshly. "I don't know." (Y/n) tell her.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Ryuko asked a bit annoyed. "I mean I don't know...she wouldn't talk." (Y/n) explains as he gets into a fighting stance. The black haired Girl snarled as she smashed both her fists on the ground cracking the ground slightly. As a Green flame appeared around her body as she growled at Ryuko and (Y/n).

(Y/n) took a deep breath as a white flame surrounded his body. Ryuko couldn't help but stare at the two in awe. "RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screamed the girl as she charged toward the two. Both Ryuko and (Y/n) charged at her with a battle cry.   

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