Chapter Ten: February 21st 2017

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Alister P.O.V

I ran my hands over my face, a long sigh coming out of my mouth. I felt a large urge to sleep but I pushed that urge down upon glancing back over at the photo that most definitely had been left by one of Eliez's men--that or the man himself. I highly doubt that he himself would come out into the open like that, in a way, Eliez was a wimp that backed down because of fear. He was weak minded when fear kicked in. I knew that, and he knew that I knew it as well. He was getting cocky. He's using True as an advantage against me, thinking it's won him some type of immunity. It hasn't. If anything, he's screwed himself over a thousand times and he'll face my wrath when he has my M1911 pistol directed straight at his forehead, the last thing he'll ever see is that pistol. I won't let what he's done go unpunished, especially with his mistakes. He took my boyfriend. He took my angel, True. His biggest mistake in life, just a matter of finding him so I can make him pay for his mistakes, his punishment being my pistol, his forehead, one bullet.

It was finding where they were located that would be the problem. Back when I took Eliez down before, a while back, his location had been rather obvious. He's no doubt in my mind that he hasn't learned from his mistakes and improved his methods. He won't be as easy to knock down as he had been last time. Last time, he had been a child and me an adult. This time, he's evened out the playing field but he was still underneath the advantage. I will stop at nothing until True is returned safely in my arms and Eliez is dead, once and for all.

I had locked myself in my office ever since I found the note on my desk and thankfully, no one has bothered me which I was thankful for. I don't want anyone around me right now. I don't know who I can truly trust right now. I'm not sure how I can differentiate the good and the bad in this situation so I'm going to do this part alone. The fewer people there are to change my judgment calls the better. I don't need someone's opinion at this moment. It won't help or change anything.

I have spent the last four hours staring at a large map of New York. I had one in my office and spent fifteen minutes hanging it on my wall. I keep evaluating the map, trying to make routes in my head and attempt to figure out potential places that the location True was hidden at was. I had followed some street cameras, following the location of the white van that had been used as a getaway vehicle after they kidnapped True. I lead to the so-called 'bad part' of town, and then I lost them. The bad part of town was in poor maintenance so it wasn't surprising to me that some cameras didn't work, or that some weren't placed at all. Even if they had put cameras, someone would have stolen them for money. That part of town was pretty daring when it came to a little bit of cash, they'd do anything for money, even kill. It was a bad place to live in, much less grow up in. I would have hated growing up in that part of town. Your life would be worth nothing to anybody and it's pretty much kill or be killed down there.

Soon, my eyes began to blur from the need of sleep and as much as I hated to do it, me being tired wouldn't help True get out of the kidnapped hell he'd been dragged too. I rubbed my eyes with my hands, glancing around my office one last time. I walk over to the map, looking at it really hard, examining every little mark that I made on the map before ripping it off the walls and tearing the map to shreds, removing all traces of evidence of the map ever being there in the first place. No one would see my notes. I'm not giving anybody the advantage on me. I have the map in memory and I had a rather good memory so it shouldn't be a problem. If anyone of my men are traitors, they won't have anything to report back on, this map is getting shredded. I walk over to my shredder and begin to slide the ripped pieces of the map inside the shredder, watching all evidence of my tracking disappear. The evidence becoming nothing more than small shards of papers laying majestically in a pile of other document shreds. The small pieces of the map getting shredding falling onto the pile like snow falling from the sky. It would have been beautiful if it hadn't been a map that involved me tracking my boyfriend who had been kidnapped by an old enemy of mine for who knows what reason. That was the only thing that didn't add up.

Other than to get at me for our past little warfare, why would he kidnap True. The only reason I see is that True is close to me, in a way, a weakness that he took advantage of but I knew Eliez. It was to simple for him, to bland. There was another reason, another motive behind kidnapping True. If he simply wanted to get something personal, my brother would have done the same as True. But he choose True over other important people in my life that I cherished. It made his actions questionable since me and True hadn't been dating very long when his kidnapping took place. Very suspicious indeed.

I walked out of my office after unlocking the door with a blank expression on my face, but internally I was smirking. I wasn't going to lose to Eliez. 

Because It Happened [Book Two] ⚣Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora