Bang Bang Bang

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"As for me, they are artists that exceeded the level of idols. May we all welcome the Avengers of the Korean pop industry — BigBang!" The host of the show, Yoo Hee Yeol, gladly presented his next guests. The crowd went crazy with cheers for the five member group that was entering the stage.

Soon after arranging their formation, their new single 'Bang Bang Bang' blasted through the speakers and the artists started to perform with their all. The audience became more hyped with their unparalleled energy and charismatic aura as they did what they do best.

After two songs, the music ended and the dancers exited, leaving the five artists sweating and panting on stage. They were then provided with high chairs and were joined by the host himself.

"When I say you really are amazing artists, I'm not exaggerating things. I can't even raise the energy of the audience like this!" He exclaimed and the crowd laughed in agreement. "I see that you are still tired so let me do all the talking, you can just answer me by nodding your head." Hee Yeol joked.

The leader, Ji Yong, raised the mic first and decided to greet everyone shyly. "Hello, we are BigBang. Thank you for having us here." He showed his gummy smile which made some of the fan girls squeal in their seats.

"I have met each of you except for T.O.P., I must say he's really a handsome person." He said and looked at the sweating Seung Hyun admirably. He then used his own handkerchief to wipe the sweat from the actor's face.

"Thank you." Seung Hyun said off-mic and smiled with clear embarrassment.

Yoo Hee Yeol then playfully smelled his handkerchief and kept it on his breast pocket. "I'm just checking if I sprayed some perfume on this." He reasoned and sent the audience laughing yet again. "So, you guys are now on your tenth year together. I bet you know each other well now?"

"So much that I'm getting sick of them." Young Bae said playfully but other members nodded as well.

"What are the things that you notice about each other? Let's start with Seungri. He's the known 'episode machine', right?"

Ji Yong nodded and spoke. "He's such a chatterbox that he often gets himself in trouble a lot. Among the members, he gets called by Hyun Seuk-hyung more." He revealed.

"Oh, I heard Hyun Seuk often sends Seungri to his floor to get punished. Is that true?"

"So true that I should've just built my own camp there." The maknae jokingly stated.

Hee Yeol laughed along with the audience and then turned to Choi Seung Hyun. "Now for the eldest, what don't we know about him?"

"He's actually a good vocalist!" Seungri blurted out which earned him a quick side glare from his hyung.

Fortunately, his Young Bae-hyung supported him. "He sings in karaokes and he's really great. He particularly loves songs by Deulgukhwa." The singer added.

"Oh! I actually started composing songs because of them. Do you have any titles in mind?" The host asked excitedly.

Seung Hyun chuckled. "I-I'm not a great singer. I just like to sing 'Only That Is My World' when we go out."

"What a great choice, I can play it for you!" Yoo Hee Yeol offered and went to his piano. He then started playing a few notes, waiting for the rapper to start.

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