Ch. 30: Coffee Date (Part 2)

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A/N: They can pull me into their swamp anytime :D


 I laughed silently as I watched him become more flustered with each passing second. "So, what else have you noticed about me," I asked.

"Umm...," he says slowly as he struggles to think of a response. 



"Just yanking your chain. You don't have to reply," I chuckled before drinking some of my coffee.

He laughs awkwardly and downs some of his coffee, but he ends up choking as the coffee is still quite hot. I gasped and got up to get some napkins. When I came back, he is panting slightly. I used one of the napkins I grabbed to wipe his mouth. He grabs onto my wrist and says, "Ah...thank you." 

  He takes the napkin from me to wipe the coffee off his chin and neck. I handed him the rest to clean himself up and then quickly scolded Grey when I saw that he was about to lick up some of the spilled coffee. Grey lets out a low whine before laying down next to his now empty tubberwares of water and food. 

"Are you feeling alright now? You didn't get burned seriously," I asked as I observed the man before me. 

"Yeah, I am fine. No need to worry," he says in rough voice. 

"Let's go to a clinic or something to see if you are really fine," I said.

He shakes his head and says, "Kihyun ssi, it is alright. This is not a serious injury."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, but don't come crying to me otherwise," I replied.

"I won't," he laughs.

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