Wtf malu

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Caitlyn: what *in a sad raspy voice *
Alex: chill malu
Malú: what alex stop
Alex: Idk who u are and u have a bad personality on social media
Malú: give me a chance Alex
Alex: I can't I don't like u
Malú: plssss *fake cries but Alex fell for it*
Alex: I'm sorry but no
Malú: ugh

3 months later u and Alex were dating u went to the mall with hailey and the boys and all the girls so u went in the house first everyone was getting shopping bags u hear thumping and moaning in ur house and open the door it was Alex making out with malu u dropped ur bags

Caitlyn: whaat * in a said raspy voice*
Alex: it's not what u think I can expla-
Caitlyn: wtf Alex * u ran outside crying and u ran to the ghost park*
U got on the bridge and cried and u were about to jump off until someone grabbed ur waist felt safe but knew who it was and u said
Caitlyn: stop leave me alone Alex
Alex: look I can explain Caitlyn
Caitlyn: explain what that u were making out with malu
Alex: no that she handed me a bottle of water and put viagra in it
Caitlyn: pls don't lie to me Alex
U got up and went to the edge to the bridge and Alex grabbed u and took u home

7 months later....
Alex was dating malu
Malu: hey Caitlyn how u been
Caitlyn: fine but I saw this cute guy his name is Jesse Underhill
*alex was next to malu*
Malu: so u both gon link up
Caitlyn: yessss I'm so exited to meet him
Alex rolled his eyes and sat on the couch
Malu: babe wait up
Alex: whaat🙄
Malu: why are u mad
Alex: I'm not I'm just sleepy
Malu: ok

U went to ur room and someone FaceTime u

Jesse Underhill
Accept or Decline

Jesse: I'm one hour I'm coming to the air port
Caitlyn: oh ok I'll change then
Jesse: bye bbg
Caitlyn: bye bae
<<end of FaceTime>>

Alex came in ur room
Alex: hi umm it's awkward but would u come with me and malu to chick-fil-A?
Caitlyn: sorry but me and Jesse are gonna meet up
Alex: it's ok
Caitlyn: I'm gonna change so can u get out pls
Alex: ok
U dressed like this ⬇️

U got ready and got out of the roomAlex: u never dressed like that when we were dating I guess i didn't mean nothing to u😔Caitlyn: u did but think about it twice before making out with my cousin Alex: I told u alreadyCaitlyn: idc its already late...

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U got ready and got out of the room
Alex: u never dressed like that when we were dating I guess i didn't mean nothing to u😔
Caitlyn: u did but think about it twice before making out with my cousin
Alex: I told u already
Caitlyn: idc its already late I need to go to Jesse

U drove to the airport and Devyn went with u so she was recording and u see Jesse and he sees u and u both run to eachother and hug and fell down *u both laughed*
Devyn: goals😍
Caitlyn: shut up *while blushing*
Jesse: ur so much prettier in person

So u and Jesse went back home and Alex was kissing malu
Caitlyn: y'all clearly need a room😂
Jesse: oh hey da boii😂
Alex: da booiiiii
Malu: so u guys a thing
Caitlyn: idk ask Jesse
Alex started getting red but then opened his mouth
Alex: soooo???
Jesse: I think so
Caitlyn: whaat??😍 ur joking right
Jesse: no I'm gonna ask u this
Caitlyn: ok...
Jesse: will u be my gf ?
Oliver and Sebastian came in with a bouquet of roses and chocolates and a teddy bear
Caitlyn: OMMGG YESS🥰
*u started crying* Jesse wipes ur tears and picked u up and u both kissed u could see Alex was sad very very very sad he ran out of the house
Caitlyn: Alex where are u going?
Alex: umm no where I'm going to the store
Caitlyn: ight come back
Alex: ok

Alex never came back he blocked u fro
everything and always put sad pics of him saying he misses the girl he loved and one day he went live

Alex: sorry guys I'm such a loser I don't deserve u guys my life is such a mess sometimes i want to end my life but i think about my family but i love this girl so much but she moved on hope she's happy same thing happened between me and hailey but I don't have feelings for her
Fans: who's that girl ur talkings about
Alex: I can't say her name bye i love u all
One day u went to Burlington alone and spotted Alex and ran up to him
Caitlyn: I miss u soo much😭❤️ *u hugged him and he hugged u back*
Alex: well I miss u to I'm gonna leave to Nevada honestly I miss my friends and my ex and see if I can get back with her
Caitlyn: oh😔
Alex: u got a hickey to cover up btw *he walked away*
Caitlyn: Alex wait! * u grabbed his wrist*
Alex: oww
Caitlyn: what?
Alex: nothing i got a paper cut on my wrist
Caitlyn: I know when ur lying Alex u look at me like u don't want to talk to me
Alex: umm I need to go bye
Caitlyn: well guess caring for people I love is a waste of time then😔🙄 *u walked away*
Alex grabbed ur wrist
U flinched he grabbed it again u flinched again
Alex: Caitlyn?
Caitlyn: what *crying*
Alex: look I'm sorry *he wiped ur tears and hugged you*
Caitlyn: sorry it's not ur fault it's mine for overreacting
Alex: let me see ur arm
Caitlyn: no let me see ur arm
Alex: ok both at the same time
A&C: 1..2...and..3
U both showed eachother Alex had a lil bit more than u
Caitlyn: I'm soo sorry Alex I didn't mean to hurt you😔
Alex: I'm sorry too
U Both made up and Alex then covered ur eyes
Caitlyn: Alex what are u doing?
Alex: I don't think u wanna see this
U and Alex made up again
Alex: ok so I'm gonna uncover your eyes and don't look back ok
Caitlyn: ok
Alex uncovered ur eyes and u looked back and see Jesse kissing malu u and Alex walk over to them

Caitlyn: wtf Jesse
Jesse: she's way more fun than you
Alex: Malulu were done and Jesse stfu before I beat ur ass cause malu only comes to take Caitlyn's boyfriends
Malú: but Alex i love you
Alex: sorry my heart belongs to someone special *he looked at you*
Malú:  wtf u hoe
She tried to slap u and u got her by the hair and threw her on the ground and started punching her and Alex pulled u off
Alex: don't waste time on her ok
Caitlyn: Alex I- *he cut u off by giving you a kiss u kissed back* and then...

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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