All Alone

797 31 14

Prompt: Clara and the Doctor have an argument over the phone while Clara's driving and she gets in a car wreck and dies, leaving the Doctor to live with the last words he said to her (which were horrible). Sent in by _dont_blink_. Enjoy! And maybe grab the tissues...


Clara had had an exceptionally bad day. On of her students had beat the shit out of his "friend" and then threatened to do the same to Clara if she reported him. She had been tutoring a few students, and they all fought with her about everything she taught them. Overall, she wasn't in a good mood, but she was sure it was nothing that a good book and some tea on board the TARDIS couldn't fix. It was Wednesday after all.

Suddenly, her phone sprang to life with the familiar ring tone she had set specially for the Doctor. She smiled to herself, turning down the music that was blaring through her car.

"Hello?" She said into her phone.

"Clara! Ah! I have plans for tonight, and yes you are involved, so please dress nicely, but nothing like the revealing stuff you normally wear please," the Doctor said into the phone.

"What do you mean 'revealing'? Everything I wear is perfectly fine!" Clara insisted. She was getting mad at him even though she knew she shouldn't have. "What of I don't want to do your plans? You never give me an opinion; you think that because you're a Timelord you know better, but you don't!"

"Sorry...why are you getting so mad at me? Of course I give you an opinion! So don't start spewing bullshit about-" but he was cut off by a very angry Clara Oswald.

"Bullshit? You think that I'm just making this stuff up because I like arguing with you over the phone while I'm driving down the expressway? Whenever we go somewhere, I have to follow YOUR plans because whatever I say can't possibly be right. Whenever I say something, like when someone asks of I'd like a drink, you automatically butt in and answer for me. So this is just some goddamn random bullshit," Clara shouted into her phone.

"You know what? I'm sorry if I know more about aliens and their rituals and cultures than you do. So next time you are about to offend or drink poison of something, I won't say one fucking word so you can die or be executed. Maybe I'll even like it when you're gone, so you won't be breathing down my neck all the time!" He shouted back, angry. He knew he should calm down, but he couldn't. Not yet.

Clara was about to retalitate when she was T-boned by a car who had run a red light as she got off of the expressway ramp. The Doctor listened to her scream and all of the noises that followed: tires squealing on the road, windows breaking, and the puff of the airbags in her car as they went off.

He was frantic now, shouting into the phone, "Clara?!" over and over again. He could hear sirens in the distance. He traced her phone and set the coordinates in the TARDIS. As he ran out of the box, he saw what confirmed his fears: Clara was dead.

The last words he had ever said to her were absolutely horrible. And those were the last words she ever heard, that he would be happy once she was gone. But now that she was gone, he wasn't happy. In fact, he was about ready to jump over the raised road they were on. But he couldn't do that; Clara would never forgive him. Wait...she couldn't anymore.

He slowly walked back to the TARDIS, not able to look at her mangled body anymore. He slowly walked back to his room, in a trace like state, and picked up pictures of the two of them together. He could smell her from the many nights she had spent in his bed; Clara being the only reason he would ever sleep every night. She needed sleep, and he hated just sitting there for eight or nine hours in silence. So he slept.

He traced over face in the picture with his fingers as if that were the one thing that would bring her back. He couldn't believe that he had even said those things to her. And now he had to live with not only the grief of losing his love, but the guilt of what he said. And to make it even worse, the surprise he had for her was to celebrate their six-month anniversary. They were going to a village where they took clothes very seriously. He hadn't meant anything by what he said...and she had flipped out on him.

"Why am I so stupid?" He mumbled out loud to himself. But this time there was no one there to answer. He was all alone.


That's it! Sorry it's really short. I have a lot of prompts to get through (thank you guys so much!) and school tomorrow, so I'm trying to go a little quicker. Bent quicker does not mean the quality is going downhill! As always, please vote, comment, follow, and send in those prompts!

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