Chapter 3- Family Brunch

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I woke up in my own bed the next morning and had a major hangover. I looked around my blue custom bedroom and saw no sign of Dan. Thank god I didn't sleep with Dan. I hopped out of my bed and ran to my closet to get clothes on. Afterwards I went into my suite kitchen to see a note left for me on the counter. I picked it up and it read We need to talk, meet me in my suite when you wake up- Chuck. I got some coffee and slipped on my UGG Slippers and walked out to the elevator to go to Chuck's suite.

When I walked into the suite Chuck was sitting down on the couch with his phone in hand. Chuck looked up at me.

"If your wondering how you got in bed, I picked you up after Dan Humphrey called and said you were drunk."

"Sorry for interrupting you and Blair's, 'thing'" I say and sit down across from him.

"It's fine Celia, next time just don't pass out in an elevator. Remember your a Bass." He says calmly.

"Right, won't forget."

"Bart has some big news for us, we have to meet him at the restaurant downstairs in an hour."

"Alright I'll go get ready and meet you there." I say and walk out the door.

I go back to my suite and get ready in my favorite Chanel dress. Chuck texts Meet in the family suite upstairs. I went to the family suite to find Lily, Serena, and Eric Van der Woodsen, Bart, and Chuck sitting at a table eating. Lily stood up from the table.

"Celia, it is marvelous to see you. I am so sorry I couldn't talk to you yesterday." Lily came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Mrs.Van der Woodsen, it is nice to see you. I am sorry for asking, but why are you here?"

"Darling sit down and we will explain." Lily led me to the table.

I sat in between Chuck and Eric.

"Celia, nice to see you." Bart said with a smug tone.

'You too Bart." I say smugly back with a smirk.

"So nice to see you Celia." Eric said.

"You too. And Serena, you look amazing this morning."

"Why thank you Celia, it is nice to see you." Serena said.

We then ate our brunch for about 10 minutes with some light chit-chat, my father only said about 2 words, 'yes' and 'good one'. Then my father clinked his glass with a fork. Everyone turned to him.

"As you may know Lily and I are dating..." He says.

"Wait what?" I interrupt.

"They are dating." Chuck says into my ear.

"Sorry, couldn't hear, but Chuck told me." I say and smile.

"Anyway, Lily and I are getting married." He said smiling, and congratulations flew around the table.

"Wow, that's great." I mutter.

"And everyone is going to move up into the family suite, it's going to be..." Bart begins to say.

"Wait, all of us, under the same roof." I blurt.

"Yes, Celia, the wedding will be here sooner than you know and I think it would be wonderful for all of us to get to be like a real family." Lily answers.

"I'm sorry Lily but no family ever containing a Bass will ever be a real family. I have to go unpack everything so, thank you for brunch." I say and exit without saying another word.

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