Leaving Potosí

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The walk to the Del Gatto home was short and the conversation with Mr. Del Gatto was even shorter. Mr.Del Gatto saw Ezekiel approaching and met him halfway to his home that would not have seemed strange if it were not for the fact that he say a woman ushering her kids into the home as if they were afraid of Ezekiel's presence. Ezekiel took note of it but didn't mention it when the Italian architect met him and shook his hand with forced over excitement. "Mr.Del Gatto my name is Ezekiel and it is a pleasure to meet you . I have seen the structure of the buildings here and they look exactly like what I am looking for to help us with rebuilding a new world for our upcoming generations. I would love to recruit you and your crew to help us on our travels and to help with a top secret mission. You can think about it I will be returning in a couple of months and we can speak about it then. You will be heavily compensated since you will be away from your family for a while. Is that something you might be interested in?" Ezekiel gets straight to business and he is not let down because Mr.Del Gatto seems to be on the same page they shake hands and promise to keep in touch with each other. As Ezekiel is walking away he looks back at what he can only describe as a masterpiece of a home that the Del Gatto's live in and he sees grey eyes in the window, he pauses his step as he holds their gaze a warm feeling settles in the pit of his stomach. He looks away as the curtain closes leaving him bewildered and with the molten grey eyes burning itself into his very being.

He makes it back to his family and everyone is packing up and getting ready for their next stop. Ezekiel gets into the hovercraft and looks back at the small town of Potosí and knew that his return here would be of grand importance at the end of their mission. The next couple of cities were the same and it was starting to blur for Ezekiel he would walk in and pull the leader of the town to the side share bits and pieces of the plan while Sebastian won over the city with his words. Ezekiel had given Anik some of his clean bots to help keep the scientists away as well as to help the Del Gatto's with further renovation of the town. He did the same for the cities they had visited so far. They were currently in a city that is now known as the scorched but it use to be called Arizona. It is hotter here than you other place they have been even in their suits they can feel the heat surrounding them. This was their last stop for the night. James and Valery had gone to get them a couple of rooms for the night. Ezekiel was just leaving their mayor's office and he had only told one person about him being a single birthed child. He is still not sure why he told Anik but he did.

This city made him feel uneasy he attempted to argue that they should get back on the road and sleep in the next city over but everyone was tired. He only obliged to staying with no fuss after seeing Jasmine and Samantha looking beat. He picked them both up from the tree they were leaning against causing both girls to squeal in excitement as he started to pick up his pace. Now he is full on sprinting with both girls on either side of his hips. They had their arms out like they were planes, their laughter brought attention to them. Little kids ran outside against their parents wishes to play plane as well. When Valery and James came back with the room scans their eyes brightened at the sight of their closed off god son at the bottom of a child dog pile. They called everyone to say it was time to rest and Ezekiel and the girls said their goodbyes to the kids promising to play tomorrow before they leave. Samantha followed Ezekiel to his room not feeling like sleeping by herself in a new place. After showers and night routines Samantha jumped into the bed and crawled under the covers. Ezekiel walked in soon after with slightly wet hair he jumped in the bed and playfully shook the remaining droplets of water in his sister she yelled and laughed telling him to stop. Once he was satisfied with how dry his hair was he laid back and put one arm behind his head and the other straight for Samantha to lay on. She cuddled into his side and a deep sigh left her mouth. "Zekey thank you for being the best little big brother any girl could ask for. You make me feel safe oh and thank you for keeping your promise I know that the world will be safe for me and my future family because of you and your promise. I want you to promise me something else." Ezekiel just answered with a grunt and Samantha continued, " I want you to be happy too. Not happy because I'm safe but genuinely happy and find love and have kids. Stop being so stand offish with women they love you why not give at least one of them a chance they can't be all bad." Ezekiel's mind immediately summoned up the grey eyes that had been haunting his memories. " I promise that I will find love but I can't promise anything with these women they make me uncomfortable always clawing at me and batting their eyelashes they just don't appeal to me but I'll look until I find the right one I promise." As Ezekiel finished his promise he felt his sister nod her head and cuddle deeper into his chest before falling to sleep. He closed his eyes again seeing the molten grey eyes that he knew would be all that he would long for.

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