-Chapter 54-

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Solar eclipse. I get the majority of my power from the sun, I never wanted to find out what would happen if the sun was blocked out.

"A full one"? I ask stepping into the hall and shutting the door.

"Yes" Bruce nods quickly.

I drag a hand down my face just when I thought things would be normal for a little while mother nature has to be like nope. I shake my head, of course this new information explains why it took so much energy getting out of bed I can feel my power weakening. 

"When does it start"? I ask leaning on the wall.

"1:30 this afternoon, I want you to come to the lab where we can keep an eye on you and your powers" Bruce says clicking buttons on the tablet.

"We don't know what is going to happen when it goes full eclipse, I mean this is an unknown for us" Tony shrugs.

I nod.

"Do they others know"? I ask looking between them.

"I thought we should tell them at breakfast since it might become a team issue. You and Thor are our heavy hitters and if something big happens and you're out of commission then it could be bad" Bruce adds.

I let all of this sink in.

"Ok" I say going back into the room I share with Clint.

He's just getting his shirt on I pause admiring the view.

"Hey? What did the science bros want"? He asks walking over to me.

"There's a solar eclipse today" I say shifting on my heels.

"Does that mean something"? He asks his eye brows furrow.

I nod.

"I get most of my power from the sun. Bruce and Tony aren't sure what's going to happen once the sun is totally blocked out" I tell him carefully watching for his reaction.

He nods once his expression tense and unreadable, he seems to be rooted to where he stands I step closer and put my hands on the sides of his face hoping to bring him out of his thoughts. Instead he jumps at my touch I flinch back shocked by his reaction.

"You're cold" He says blinking.

I bring my hand to the side of my face and sure enough my skin is cold to the touch, this has to be the eclipse already messing with me.

"Friday? Call a team meeting in the living room" Clint orders briskly.

"On it Agent Barton" Friday replies quickly.

He takes my hand pulling me to the living room where Bruce and Tony are already waiting within minutes everyone else files in, with varying degrees of confusion on their faces as to why are all being summoned before breakfast. 

"What's going on"? Steve asks sitting down with Ash on the couch.

I look at Tony and Bruce to explain since I have no clue how to make it sound as delicate as possible I mean for all we know it could really hurt me or worse.

"I thought we going to wait until breakfast but since we all are here. Today a solar eclipse and since Mia get's the majority of her power from the sun we are worried about what the sun being covered might do to her" Tony says putting his hands on his hips.

There's a flurry of questions and then silence as the weight settles on them.

"She's already cold" Clint puts in.

Bruce takes my hand and quickly recoils like Clint did his eyes wide and worry filled, that's not good.

"What does that mean"? Thor asks crossing his arms.

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